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    TwinStar team

Character Auction

Re: Character Auction house

The ca has been a thing for 5 years now, do you really think nobody would have noticed that by now?

maybe you got away with that this time, but not for long, this character AH you say TS implemented seem some kind of rip off system, why bother if it doesnt give you that much of money if you say not many people tend to sell their characters.
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Re: Character Auction house


That character will never appear just like that, out of thin air (like your mentioned paid gear on Feenix does :wink: ), someone has to level that toon up AND offer it for sale in an auction.
The fact remains that Kronos, just like on Feenix, is going to be selling gear (characters come with gear), whether it comes out of thin air or from other players who are giving up the toon. Character auctions is the sanctioned buying of characters, REGARDLESS OF WHERE IT'S COMING FROM. It's pretty similar to buying an XP boost, or if the character is geared, gear.

The character auction does not give you any advantage - I daresay it's quite the other way around :smile: If you buy a lvl 60 toon right off the bat, you may very well not be able to use it's abilites and equip to the fullest effect.
Buying a character is buying a significant time advantage. "Not be able to use it's abilities and equip to the fullest effect" is complete bullshit. Most people already know the class they are buying, not to mention classes are NOT hard to learn. You and most people here make tiny, insignificant excuses for justifying character auctions. The only thing that makes me post about it is that you try to claim that it's not a form of pay to win. WoW isn't a game that you win (unless it's in your own mind), so thats not what "pay to win" implies. What's disgusting about pay to win is that people can just whip out their credit card and instantly gain a huge time advantage over people who don't hand over some cash. Gaining gear takes time, leveling takes time, reputation takes time, raid preparation takes time. Paying to skip any one of those is paying to win, paying to gain an advantage. It's gross and that's why feenix is not appealing to many vanilla fans. Character auctions will not be popular either. It's an ugly mark on any private server. So what if twinstar's other servers do it? All pay to win crap is gross no matter how long it has been around.
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With the difference that someone has put time and dedication into the "sold" good. While on feenix its a simple gm command.
See the difference? If not, I can draw a figure too.
With the difference that someone has put time and dedication into the "sold" good. While on feenix its a simple gm command.
See the difference? If not, I can draw a figure too.
People who are against pay to win don't care where the gear or character is coming from. Why the hell does that matter? What matters is that someone is whipping out some cash for significant time advantages also known as pay to win.
People who are against pay to win don't care where the gear or character is coming from. Why the hell does that matter? What matters is that someone is whipping out some cash for significant time advantages also known as pay to win.

Except nothing new is being added to the system. If everything goes right player 1 logs in and plays Friday, sells account, and player 2 logs in and plays Saturday. It's as if nothing has changed. It's so far on the least offensive part of pay to win you won't even notice when it happens. Besides, you can pay with anything technically. This game must be pay to win because I have to invest time and effort into it. Obviously p2w for lazy people now. We should just shut it all down because I can't get to level 60 in my sleep.
Except nothing new is being added to the system. If everything goes right player 1 logs in and plays Friday, sells account, and player 2 logs in and plays Saturday. It's as if nothing has changed. It's so far on the least offensive part of pay to win you won't even notice when it happens. Besides, you can pay with anything technically. This game must be pay to win because I have to invest time and effort into it. Obviously p2w for lazy people now. We should just shut it all down because I can't get to level 60 in my sleep.
If you want to call time a currency that we spend on WoW, then it is the only acceptable currency. Using blowjobs, favors, being friends with GMs, money, or anything other than time is pay to win. I know that nothing is added to the system with character auctions, and that's not what anyone cares about. What matters is that some random paid for a time advantage. While this still happens on the black market, it is a risky business to buy accounts/characters where the buyer can lose money and it should stay that way because anyone who needs to buy a character doesn't need to be playing vanilla.
If you want to call time a currency that we spend on WoW, then it is the only acceptable currency. Using blowjobs, favors, being friends with GMs, money, or anything other than time is pay to win. I know that nothing is added to the system with character auctions, and that's not what anyone cares about. What matters is that some random paid for a time advantage. While this still happens on the black market, it is a risky business to buy accounts/characters where the buyer can lose money and it should stay that way because anyone who needs to buy a character doesn't need to be playing vanilla.
You might be mistaken on what a vanilla player is. It's a wow player, not the smartest individual because they realize that vanilla wow is a godsend of perfection or some other tripe. There were botters, "hackers", traders, ninjas, trolls and every other type of player in vanilla.

It tastes a little sour because the intention is that the payment for everything in game comes from time and effort. There are unavoidable loopholes and some people can pay with money, if you want you can make of list of the money people and then ignore their achievements because they're using the steroids of video gaming. Even then that's not a good comparison, as both only circumvent the time aspect and not the effort. You still have to know how to play your character/sport and stuff like that.

Some people skip the time investment because it's boring and they've done it a million times, others skip it because they are in a situation that denies them access to the time required. Both have very different means and should not be lumped together. However, if you wish to lump them together just say they're on a separate playing field, invalidate all of their achievements, and move on.
How does the existence of botters and hackers somehow justify character auctions? There's criminals out there, but it doesn't mean you just go and make the crimes legal. It is a shame that Kronos is going to be lumped with the Feenix and Molten kind of servers. There seems to be quality work going into the server and it's going to be tainted by the sanctioned buying of characters. A successful private server is one that has a large population, so why implement something that will drive players away? Kronos would be a viable alternative to Emerald Dream and Nostalrius if it wasn't for the custom things (most notably character auctions) being implemented.
How does the existence of botters and hackers somehow justify character auctions? There's criminals out there, but it doesn't mean you just go and make the crimes legal. It is a shame that Kronos is going to be lumped with the Feenix and Molten kind of servers. There seems to be quality work going into the server and it's going to be tainted by the sanctioned buying of characters. A successful private server is one that has a large population, so why implement something that will drive players away? Kronos would be a viable alternative to Emerald Dream and Nostalrius if it wasn't for the custom things (most notably character auctions) being implemented.
It's like the current legalizing of marijuana in the states(USA) or the prohibition abolition of yore. Without these things it would all happen, you would just not know about it.

What you don't know can't hurt you is truly one of the best observations ever. Publicizing and regulation of things that will happen no matter what because they are out of the control of reasonable, benevolent power is much safer and healthy than letting things fester in the dark. Places that "ban" account selling will still experience selling, but in an unregulated, unknown way that will make you feel better about your day because you don't have to face something that you disagree with to make you feel uncomfortable.

This literally has no down sides and only benefits, and wouldn't you try to make the best out of the worst situation instead of shove it under the carpet and act like it does not exist?

Most conservative people(like myself) try not to expand their mind and see the other side. I try to stick to my beliefs but not fall out the times and be one of those guys who is completely ignorant about the things they oppose just because they don't agree. I don't like account selling for various reasons but at the end of the day it doesn't do as detrimental harm as my feelings would tell me, not do I want to ignore it and miss out on perspective.

In order to compare criminals to account buying you'd have to come to the conclusion that people who murder are on scale with damage to account sellers/buyers. A more reasonable comparison to criminals(theifs, murders, rapers) would be DDOSers, item "dupers" and other exploiters. A perfect comparison to account buying would be more akin to what I posted above, as the down sides of their usages are more in line.
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Kronos has a Perception Proble

Hey everyone,

I'll make this as short and sweet as possible. Kronos is going to have one primary reason it will not have as many people as Nost.

People think Kronos is a Pay-to-Win server

The general perception of Kronos within the Private-Server Scene is that Kronos is Non-Blizzlike and Pay-to-Win, both in ways that make it "unacceptable". It does not matter if this is true or not. Let me be clear. IT. DOES. NOT. MATTER. if this is true or not. This is what they think. It is their perception. And it is up to YOU to fix it (yes... within 3 days)

The TWO factors contributing to this
  1. Kronos' Donation System
    • People think it is to purchase actual items and not JUST cosmetics... items that will have no effect on actual gameplay
      • MANY servers use this tactic to provide the upkeep costs of the server and nearly ANY person will agree it is an acceptable tactic to keep a server free
  2. Character Auction System
    • This is going to be the Nail in the Coffin for Kronos. People don't... any many can't understand that this is not pay-to-win. Again... It does not matter.
      • My suggestion would be to cancel the Character Auction altogether and publicly announce this in any media channel you have available.

The amount of potential money that the character auction would bring in is going to be minimal compared to the potential money that can be brought in for server upkeep through the number of players that would then play on Kronos without a character auction. Hope that one makes sense...

Source material for how people react to Kronos:
  1. http://www.reddit.com/r/wowservers/comments/2vzmxd/nostalrius_vs_kronos/
  2. http://www.reddit.com/r/wowservers/...onos_and_nostalrius_was_released_on_the_same/
  3. https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1163
  4. http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/88962-Character-Auctions-on-Kronos?highlight=nostalrius
  5. http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/92790-Will-Kronos-recover?highlight=nostalrius
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

Knowing people's ability at spreading disinformation / misinterpreting facts / being dogmatic ****ts, even if we were to remove Character Auctions we'd still have the ''P2W taint''. Besides, it'd be like admitting they have a point.

I'm honestly torn between the desire to not bow before stupidity, and pragmatism.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

blame the stereotypical 4chan retards who posted these rumors like it was their job

the funny thing is these kind of rumors serve as a ****** check for a lot of people who can't be bothered to do research on kronos. we won't have to deal with a large part of these people now so i thank you nostalruse shills. you guys did great!

high quality pepe.jpg
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

the funny thing is these kind of rumors serve as a ****** check for a lot of people who can't be bothered to do research on kronos.

That's how I feel about it. If someone just believes whatever stupid shit they hear without looking into facts, then Kronos is better off without them.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

Stuff about Character auctions and peoples perception of it

Hi Mentat.
While i think you are correct that some people are not into the character auction and thus dismissing Kronos as a viable alternative to for example Nostalrius, I don't think it needs "fixing to be honest".
Your concern is that Kronos won't have as many people as Nostalrius, but who says it needs to?
Nostalrius is buckeling under the pressure of sheer number of players they've got. what makes you think Kronos can handle that kind of load?

If they indeed unable to do their own thinking orare immune to reason.
Are those really the players you want to attract?
Is Twinstars only hope to cater to the lowest commen denominator?

Regardless if people like the Auction house or not, or think it's pay to win or not. SHouldn't we wait untill release and see how big a crowd shows up over the next couple of months.

If people freak out over a vanity donation system or an inhouse chracter exchange feature, then for god sake let them. If that's the biggest problem with Kronos, you can bet on that people will show up.
Other servers are struggeling with constant crashes, major bugs, corrupt staff and even theft of the entire database.

The auctionhouse might be a succes in attracting players that doesn't want to relevel again after leaving their old server...

Edit: I can see most of your posts are in regards to this auction house, getting the same replies again and again. So i don't really know what you are expecting to accomplish with yet another.
Especially this close to launch.
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Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

If I wanted to play on the server that had the highest population I'd be on retail.

But here I am.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

forgot to mention that everything is above board on kronos. no secrets, no surprises.

meanwhile, every day on nostalruse is christmas :lol:

i should have started a blog about it from day 1, would have made a nice read for the post mortem.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

Kronos's players will speak for kronos. If it is good they'll say it's good and it will slowly attract more players. If it's bad well well see how that goes. In my personal opinion server feels like retail and plays like retail. There are few minor kicks but those kicks i even saw while lvling and playing on retail vanilla. The server is brought to this lvl of polish that we're nit picking bugs also to the point where we actually question whether it's not a bug or is a bug. I will bring a lot of friends and most of them tried the beta and every single one of them is impressed and are hyped hardcore for the release.
Players can bad mouth this server just so much until everyone shut them up because they know it's actually good. Also IMO i think private servers are blasphemy and are disgrace. Everyone who says "yeah bruh i play WoW" and i'm like on which server "oh it's molten core" or "oh it's feenix" i'm like the fuck man you call yourself a WoW player? This server is actually worth playing. Game mechanics work well. No game breaking glitches and bugs. Working scripts and are still scripting to the smallest detail to replicate retail.
To me Kronos is the first true and real private server that is not blasphemy and disgrace to WoW because you will be playing WoW and not some broken shit. I will do my best to bring more of my friends into this server just like i was trying with retail WoW (but lots of them were like naw man 15 euros a month i dont have that money!)...
All in all just spread good word if you feel server is that good to deserve it! Also report bugs and glitches you find just like you would on retail and in a patch it will be fixed!
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

This whole mess of these serverwarz has actually been quite interesting from a viewpoint of social studies on mass movements/partisanism/cult behavior/true believers, and disinformation/propaganda=/
As mentioned, its unlikely, that removing these features at this point would change the perception of the misinformed, and on the contrary, would be used as material for more rumors/shitposting.
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Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

Kronos's players will speak for kronos. If it is good they'll say it's good and it will slowly attract more players. If it's bad well well see how that goes. In my personal opinion server feels like retail and plays like retail. There are few minor kicks but those kicks i even saw while lvling and playing on retail vanilla. The server is brought to this lvl of polish that we're nit picking bugs also to the point where we actually question whether it's not a bug or is a bug. I will bring a lot of friends and most of them tried the beta and every single one of them is impressed and are hyped hardcore for the release.
Players can bad mouth this server just so much until everyone shut them up because they know it's actually good. Also IMO i think private servers are blasphemy and are disgrace. Everyone who says "yeah bruh i play WoW" and i'm like on which server "oh it's molten core" or "oh it's feenix" i'm like the fuck man you call yourself a WoW player? This server is actually worth playing. Game mechanics work well. No game breaking glitches and bugs. Working scripts and are still scripting to the smallest detail to replicate retail.
To me Kronos is the first true and real private server that is not blasphemy and disgrace to WoW because you will be playing WoW and not some broken shit. I will do my best to bring more of my friends into this server just like i was trying with retail WoW (but lots of them were like naw man 15 euros a month i dont have that money!)...
All in all just spread good word if you feel server is that good to deserve it! Also report bugs and glitches you find just like you would on retail and in a patch it will be fixed!

I couldn't have said it better myself. I wish i could give you a +1
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

I will thoroughly enjoy Kronos, skipped Nost launch and just lurk the forums like I'm paid to. And that goes for Kronos's forums aswell. Atleast every hour or so I check on both forums. I can tell you one thing is Nost team deletes a lot of posts. I'll see one or two a day that have no responses and are deleted within 30 minutes. One for example that got locked, not deleted was this one - https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=4514

I copied part of the first paragraph as a TL:DR. Sure you buy characters with items, but you could do that either way with other people. There are several people exploiting Ragnaros's unscripted fight and making money off various other exploits. I follow both forums like it's a job, I won't lie. One topic I noticed was a man selling hundreds of gold he acquired already. But where ever people want to play.

Best to Kronos and Nost, here's the paragraph.

""I have followed project Kronos for quite some time, and must say I am not impressed. Their really is no quality at all; the game is filled with bugs, bugs that are fixed here. Add to that the itemshop (where you can buy blue and epic gear), 10g respecc cap and character auctions making it a pay to win server.""
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

I'll agree with about everything the OP had to say on the subject. After thinking on the matter for a bit, two things came up in my mind that stood out about the situation. The first is that the Twinstar Staff are probably well aware of how their rules and services are viewed and what controversies they might create. To me as just a random person that will be playing here, I figure that's largely their problem to deal with, not mine. I'm just here to have fun on a decent server.

The second thing that I considered was - what are the current reputations of the other 1.12.1 servers? I could list a fair number of internal and external troubles that Nostalrius, Valkyrie, Rebirth, and Feenix / Emerald Dream are plagued with that are currently bringing them down. And they aren't small issues either, believe me. Kronos has the potential to foster a better reputation over them by simply doing a pair of things. Showing commitment to the server and its updating and rules enforcement, and not lying to their players. Honestly, that's it. That's all they have to do.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

and not lying to their players. Honestly, that's it. That's all they have to do.
I think they're pretty set on this part. I haven't seen anything yet, but time will tell.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

As has been said before let the players that can't be bothered to do proper background check on the server stay out, less ****ts to play with/against.

I'm personally happy with Kronos cash shop. On the one hand it means the server will be able to sustain itself in the long run, server bills don't pay themselves; on the other hand the cash shop is really mild and does not favour a paying player over the other so it's all good in my book.
Re: Kronos has a Perception Proble

About Kronos' Donation System - it may be important for someone (I've just encountered such a guy yesterday) that vanity items in the shop will be restricted to only those unobtainable in normal game. No Stratholme mount for cash. Maybe you should add this detail to the post.

P.S. I thought this is another stupid thread about a bug or even a possible bug (with Perception) which author was too lazy to report :D
P.P.S. Yea, ofc we have to reassure those who're ready to listen.
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