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    TwinStar team

Character Auction

Well, I understand your concerns about it, but it's not only matter of money. It's also matter of security - Twinstar does not give you anything back, if you get scamed. So they have maded this aution, to reduce number of scams and they also disabled option to delete characters above level 20 from your acc. So if you get hacked, you will not loose your character. So you actualy need auction to be able to get rid of "unwanted" characters.
These things reduced number of hacked accs by a large amount and that's good thing.
How exactly would you go about policing it then?

I sold my original retail account.
Since then I've played and given away accounts on retail.
I recently gave my character and gold to a friend on ED.
I will play Nostalrius and when I'm done there I will give my account away to someone.

I've never been "caught" doing this, none of the characters/accounts were ever banned. It doesn't matter if this character auction feature exists or not, accounts will always be traded or passed between people.

You could watch known auction selling sites, you could check the IP a person logs on from, and if it changes have them confirm it over mail, and I'm sure there are other ways I'm not aware of.
Simply having the rule there also deters a lot of people who don't want to cheat, break rules and risk being banned.

Well, I understand your concerns about it, but it's not only matter of money. It's also matter of security - Twinstar does not give you anything back, if you get scamed. So they have maded this aution, to reduce number of scams and they also disabled option to delete characters above level 20 from your acc. So if you get hacked, you will not loose your character. So you actualy need auction to be able to get rid of "unwanted" characters.
These things reduced number of hacked accs by a large amount and that's good thing.

If you get hacked by someone intending to do something bad to you, surely they will delete your gear and such, which gimps your character a lot. One could say that gear can be restored from logs, which is true, but so can characters. Not being able to delete characters really only helps against accidential deletions, and I'm pretty sure those are fairly rare.

Slightly unrelated, but not being able to get rid of unwanted characters is a pretty bad thing, will I need to open a ticket to delete my characters?

I don't really understand how less people being scammed keeps being touted as an argument. If you attempt to break the rules and fail, surely that's a good thing?
On the one hand you say "This is a problem, let's try to fix it." and on the other you're saying "We cant fix it to 100% so let's make some easy money.".

What's the problem with that? (And your ''we can't fix it 100%'' should be ''we can't even fix it 20%'')

(oh why am I even posting in this thread, I thought the discussion was settled since like page 2 or 3.)
What's the problem with that? (And your ''we can't fix it 100%'' should be ''we can't even fix it 20%'')

(oh why am I even posting in this thread, I thought the discussion was settled since like page 2 or 3.)

Fixing it to 20% is better than making it worse.
I don't really understand how less people being scammed keeps being touted as an argument. If you attempt to break the rules and fail, surely that's a good thing?

Yeah that's the criminal edition of WoW Darwin Awards at work. They forfeit their rights when they try with their action to scam the whole community.

I suppose to prevent item duping Twinstar should sell arcanite bars for cash because someone somewhere is getting his bars tricked away when blindly believing a stranger to trade a stack during lagspike while jumping through portal.
Fixing it to 20% is better than making it worse.

I'd rather see 12 auctions done safely and that bring money to the server than 10 obscure black market sales that do nothing to help the server.

(That is, in the hypothetical scenario where there will actually be a lot of auctions. There won't be, making the controversy about CAs even more irrelevant)
Character Auction house


I heard about you guys and i think you did a great job, but i heard that this server supports Character auction house... is that true? one post says yes and other says not on launch or what ever...

but how does this Character AH works? so any noob can just buy a good geared character and start playing?

and how do i know if Kronos it self wont make lvl 60 characters and put them on this AH?

you know when you start thinking about these questions it kinda pisses you off, this character AH is no better than donations in Peenix if what i said is true...:mad2:
Re: Character Auction house

and how do i know if Kronos it self wont make lvl 60 characters and put them on this AH?

How do I know that the world will stil exist tomorrow?
How do I know Nos wont accept donations in a longer run?

The system got described multiple times by different people. You should prolly search a bit first.
Re: Character Auction house

There's another thread about it that's most likely still on the first page or the second, we explain on it why it isn't a harmful idea at all. Don't listen to the propaganda plz
Re: Character Auction house

this character AH is no better than donations in Peenix if what i said is true...:mad2:
Thats the thing. It isn't :tongue:
Outside of this forum you will most likely only hear nonsense about it. Just check out the details and make your own opinion. Can't blame anyone if they dislike it as long as they have valid reason for it.
Re: Character Auction house

Thats the thing. It isn't :tongue:
Outside of this forum you will most likely only hear nonsense about it. Just check out the details and make your own opinion. Can't blame anyone if they dislike it as long as they have valid reason for it.

I'm sorry to say that, but if buying an item is pay to win, but buying a character with maybe better items with out of game currency isnt pay to win?

it's still buying an advantage and therefore pay to win.
Re: Character Auction house

1 person out of say, 200 players contributes to server funding by buying a character more-or-less geared from someone who would have probably either abandonned it, given it out or sold it illegally, makes a server P2W for you? Ok, fine.
Re: Character Auction house

If this is true then this server is already going down the wrong path.. I stopped playing the feenix WSG server for this exact reason.. seems like the plauge is spreading
Re: Character Auction house

Wow, honestly, I don't know what I should think. My practical mind dictates I should lobby for removing CAs since they scare some people off. However, it'd be like giving credit to the horrible arguments complainers give, and admitting that they're right. I don't like having to adapt to such people. Plus, knowing the Internet, people would keep feeding the propaganda according to which Kronos is P2W even if auctions were removed.
Re: Character Auction house

1 person out of say, 200 players contributes to server funding by buying a character more-or-less geared from someone who would have probably either abandonned it, given it out or sold it illegally, makes a server P2W for you? Ok, fine.

You are making it easier for them, for example i can sell a lvl 19 character with loads of materials and put it in the AH and sell them for money....
im just giving examples here, that even if trading accounts is a crime, you shouldnt legalize it...
Re: Character Auction house

Their defense for Character Auctions is that it supports the server and that people will sell characters anyway (on a third party site). I find it funny they call it selling "illegally."

The fact is that FEW people use the black market to "illegally" buy a character because it is risky business. Character Auctions removes the risky business part which means that someone who would otherwise never buy a character might do it with character auctions because it is safe.

Defenders of the Character Auctions make a good argument, but only to people who are willing to turn the other cheek and say that it's not a pay to win feature when in fact it really is. On feenix you can buy gear, and on Kronos you will be able to buy a character with gear.
Re: Character Auction house

Defenders of the Character Auctions make a good argument, but only to people who are willing to turn the other cheek and say that it's not a pay to win feature when in fact it really is. On feenix you can buy gear, and on Kronos you will be able to buy a character with gear.

That character will never appear just like that, out of thin air (like your mentioned paid gear on Feenix does :wink: ), someone has to level that toon up AND offer it for sale in an auction. No charater on sale, no charater to buy. Got it? I still don't understand how this is pay2win. You can get Twinstar Stars (the virtual currency of character auction and donate system on Twinstar) in other ways than just buying them for money - for instance, you can take part in in-game events and get Stars for being one of the best at the event. Or you can level up a toon and sell it on auction.

The character auction does not give you any advantage - I daresay it's quite the other way around :smile: If you buy a lvl 60 toon right off the bat, you may very well not be able to use it's abilites and equip to the fullest effect. In other words, you will lack gameplay experience coming from actually playing the toon, leveling it up, doing some PvP and running dungeons with it. The auction is designed for people who are bored of their toons and want to try something else without having to level it up (many people leveled at least tens of toons here already), so they put it on sale and buy another toon for Stars or do a charater trade with another player.
Re: Character Auction house


That character will never appear just like that, out of thin air (like your mentioned paid gear on Feenix does :wink: ), someone has to level that toon up AND offer it for sale in an auction. No charater on sale, no charater to buy. Got it? I still don't understand how this is pay2win. You can get Twinstar Stars (the virtual currency of character auction and donate system on Twinstar) in other ways than just buying them for money - for instance, you can take part in in-game events and get Stars for being one of the best at the event. Or you can level up a toon and sell it on auction.

The character auction does not give you any advantage - I daresay it's quite the other way around :smile: If you buy a lvl 60 toon right off the bat, you may very well not be able to use it's abilites and equip to the fullest effect. In other words, you will lack gameplay experience coming from actually playing the toon, leveling it up, doing some PvP and running dungeons with it. The auction is designed for people who are bored of their toons and want to try something else without having to level it up (many people leveled at least tens of toons here already), so they put it on sale and buy another toon for Stars or do a charater trade with another player.

Really? for a system like that, you saying you really care about people not getting scammed for account trading in black market? its their fault, plus what stops Kronos from making a brand new lvl 60 with equipped gear on and put it on their AH for profit?

if this kind of system exists you can pretty much fool us, and yeah i really wish to believe that you guys really care about ****ts trading their account on black market... good one.
Re: Character Auction house

Really? for a system like that, you saying you really care about people not getting scammed for account trading in black market? its their fault, plus what stops Kronos from making a brand new lvl 60 with equipped gear on and put it on their AH for profit?

if this kind of system exists you can pretty much fool us, and yeah i really wish to believe that you guys really care about ****ts trading their account on black market... good one.
You dont get cash for your characters but twinstar stars which can only be used to buy other characters or stuff like retro mounts/tabards
Re: Character Auction house

You dont get cash for your characters but twinstar stars which can only be used to buy other characters or stuff like retro mounts/tabards

I know but twinstar can get all of the money from the guy who buys their own lvl 60 character that was made out of thin air, which leads to alot of noobs buying it and running with ashkandi.

i mean they can really abuse it.
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Re: Character Auction house

I know but twinstar can get all of the money from the guy who buys their own lvl 60 character that was made out of thin air, which leads to alot of noobs buying it and running with ashkandi.
The ca has been a thing for 5 years now, do you really think nobody would have noticed that by now?
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