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    TwinStar team

How is our future?

I actually like that this server doesn't have 5k+ players, maybe it's not best for the server I don't know. If Kronos would have launched first it would have nosts overcrowding problem and I don't think I could stand it.

It's also true that the numbers Kronos have would be good for a private server pre nost so lets not start panicking just yet.
To be fair, when it would be most NA guilds raid times the population drops to like 300 on each side which is what most of us aren't entirely happy about.

Advertise then, be proactive in getting more NA folks here if the numbers aren't to your liking. Kronos is more than capable of keeping folks here once they try it as it is far superior server compared to the 'competition'.
I am not sure this server will hold NA population. I imagine it will turn into the Hellground of vanilla. Doesn't it already feel that some population was lost in general? There used to be 1k+ horde and now it's 800-900 it seems. Last night slightly after US prime the population slowly dropped to just 300 which is disappointing.
There's a lot of enthusiasm in the NA guild I joined (CORAL). I think us 'muricans need to be convinced there's potential here. I plan on streaming while leveling but I'm not entirely confident that my slow progress will attract many people :p
exactly we are losing players rather fast... i really like the server im enjoying it so much but it is dying
yes but like they guy above me said like 4 days ago we used to get 1100 hordes and like 900 ally players now we get 900 hordes 700 ally players...
As of me writing this post, there are 921 people on horde side. I would say the server is far from losing people. When I can log on 5 days in a row and see the same number each time, I think we're just fine.

During the night at 1 AM EST I still see around 400 people on horde side, sometimes that dips down to ~300. It's 1 freaking AM. Most people are sleeping.

There's no way to prove it, but there seems to be the feeling that the people that keep saying the server is dying are the ones that play on Nos and keep saying that unless you have 6k people online your server is doomed lol.

~2k+ online is a very, very healthy population. You're not going to have that many online non-stop. There are off peak hours....stop freaking out.
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im not playing on the other server like i said i love kronos im level 28 here but im just kinda sceptical that the server wont last... anyways i hope you are right and the server has a good future
im not playing on the other server like i said i love kronos im level 28 here but im just kinda sceptical that the server wont last... anyways i hope you are right and the server has a good future
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You do realise there have been servers with 300 online at peak times that have survived and lasted for years? We have x7 that number easily and yet the precious few are doom mongering...

Will Kronos ever have 5k? No I highly doubt it, and if the French Feenix was transparent I highly doubt they would be posting those numbers either. Just enjoy the higher quality server that we have in Kronos and advertise elsewhere if you are concerned. Simple
I played on N*stalr*us, I got 60lvl, I was few dungeons and I sold it for good price (thx men), because rly lot of bugs ...... Kronos 4ever :rolleyes2: I believe people will come
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I think we should implement fake player bots :D

People really need to stop with this bullsh*t, its embarrasing. I played on N0st and I garantuee you it wasnt bots. I dont say they dont exist, but the vast majority was players and it was crowded everywhere. They got a huge population, thats just stating fact. Bots or no bots, they got real issues like severe bugs and bad scripting, focus on that rather than "they use bots!" nonsense.

Population is fine, seems to be a few plants here moaning and stirring it up.

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You do realise there have been servers with 300 online at peak times that have survived and lasted for years? We have x7 that number easily and yet the precious few are doom mongering...

Will Kronos ever have 5k? No I highly doubt it, and if the French Feenix was transparent I highly doubt they would be posting those numbers either. Just enjoy the higher quality server that we have in Kronos and advertise elsewhere if you are concerned. Simple

Even though the population is fine in its own right, there is still a valid concern that we went from 2k (or 3k on launch days) to 1.5k and slowly dropping. There is no cause for doomsayers and the server wont die. The population is fine. Its all relative. The thing is, its still dropping on a daily basis. Maybe its the server crashes and rerolls that seem to make people get really mad, I dont know. I hope we can stay steady at around 2k or 2.5k.
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Just ran across the whole Duskwood and killed 5-6 mobs. Disconnected, relogged and I am back in Darkshire. I really hope these rollbacks get fixed, cause for me these are worse than the few bugs that are here and need way more attention. It is the one thing that ruined both of the other servers I played on, but the gameplay here is so effing great that I don't wanna quit here, but like I said, rollbacks are a servers worst enemy.
Just ran across the whole Duskwood and killed 5-6 mobs. Disconnected, relogged and I am back in Darkshire. I really hope these rollbacks get fixed, cause for me these are worse than the few bugs that are here and need way more attention. It is the one thing that ruined both of the other servers I played on, but the gameplay here is so effing great that I don't wanna quit here, but like I said, rollbacks are a servers worst enemy.

Nost has rollbacks too. I'd even say they are more frequent there.
People really need to stop with this bullsh*t, its embarrasing. I played on N0st and I garantuee you it wasnt bots. I dont say they dont exist, but the vast majority was players and it was crowded everywhere. They got a huge population, thats just stating fact. Bots or no bots, they got real issues like severe bugs and bad scripting, focus on that rather than "they use bots!" nonsense.

Even though the population is fine in its own right, there is still a valid concern that we went from 2k (or 3k on launch days) to 1.5k and slowly dropping. There is no cause for doomsayers and the server wont die. The population is fine. Its all relative. The thing is, its still dropping on a daily basis. Maybe its the server crashes and rerolls that seem to make people get really mad, I dont know. I hope we can stay steady at around 2k or 2.5k.

We'll be fine. As long as this server has a core of devs and players we'll stay stable and continue to attract. Certain servers will bleed players looking for something else. Actually I quite enjoy the 1.5k - 2.0k pop here because it's not a traffic jam of players. I wouldn't worry about our population at all.
I find the whole situation quite predictable.

Before anyone accuses me of being a shill, I was absolutely team Kronos before any of the new generation of servers launched. I used to upvote the Kronos comments, follow on facebook, twitter etc. I'd recruited a group of old school players who were all hyped and ready to go for the new year release. We were hyping the project up and the regulars here were crying out for more videos, more hype, more promotion... we knew previous projects had died due to low population.

When Kronos was delayed, Nostalrius jumped in and stole all the hype. My friends rolled there and thus so did I. I suspect many other groups did exactly the same. Now we're all level 60 and it's going to take something big to get people to drop 10+ days played and transfer over, we need to see a major difference in server quality.

Despite some opinions on here, the competition from Nostalrius is tough, the server does function very well. My quest history shows well over 1000 quests (I do everything), so far I've found 8 bugged ones. I played 10 hours yesterday without a rollback. Population is astronomical.

So what can Kronos do to draw players over?

Get really stable, really fast. Rollbacks are annoying when they happen. If I saw Kronos was up for days at a time without a crash and Nostalrius was repeatedly crashing, that would definitely give me a poke to reroll here. Otherwise, you're relying on the other guys somehow massively dropping the ball and pushing the community over here.

It's a shame because I do believe Kronos will be the better scripted server in the end, but the gap in quality will never be enough for people to jump over.
I find the whole situation quite predictable.

Before anyone accuses me of being a shill, I was absolutely team Kronos before any of the new generation of servers launched. I used to upvote the Kronos comments, follow on facebook, twitter etc. I'd recruited a group of old school players who were all hyped and ready to go for the new year release. We were hyping the project up and the regulars here were crying out for more videos, more hype, more promotion... we knew previous projects had died due to low population.

When Kronos was delayed, Nostalrius jumped in and stole all the hype. My friends rolled there and thus so did I. I suspect many other groups did exactly the same. Now we're all level 60 and it's going to take something big to get people to drop 10+ days played and transfer over, we need to see a major difference in server quality.

Despite some opinions on here, the competition from Nostalrius is tough, the server does function very well. My quest history shows well over 1000 quests (I do everything), so far I've found 8 bugged ones. I played 10 hours yesterday without a rollback. Population is astronomical.

So what can Kronos do to draw players over?

Get really stable, really fast. Rollbacks are annoying when they happen. If I saw Kronos was up for days at a time without a crash and Nostalrius was repeatedly crashing, that would definitely give me a poke to reroll here. Otherwise, you're relying on the other guys somehow massively dropping the ball and pushing the community over here.

It's a shame because I do believe Kronos will be the better scripted server in the end, but the gap in quality will never be enough for people to jump over.

That's fine and all, but just keep in mind that the game is exploited to hell both economy wise and end-game wise. Arcane crystals going for the same price as Arcanite bars? Yea.. I suggest you show this to all of your friends and read it yourself; https://www.worldofcorecraft.com/comment/70495#comment-70495

They'll never be able to revert it, damage is done. The server STILL has exploits. I watched a stream last night of a warlock abusing an exploit to make an incredible amount of gold and he will be able to solo DM when it comes out if it isn't fixed by then.
Every server has issues when its 1st released, you say you play on Nost, well you wold remember they would be crashing and having rollbacks every 3 hours give or take for the 1st 2-3 weeks.

8 bugged quests? come one now, thats rubbish and you know it. My current fav over there is that they couldnt fix players falling to their death when entering an instance and so have had to turn off fall damage. Awesome.
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Despite some opinions on here, the competition from Nostalrius is tough
Project with ragnaros scripted like elwyn forest critter, Onyxia not spawning whelps, guards sending u in Dalaran after profession requests, immense delay in spells like iceblock, 0 fall damage, general delay in peak times for majority of players, project where u can predispell CC effect, precast grenade before stun, project, where banish longs randomly from 6 sec to 10 and where two mages could poly eachother or u can get fear from stunlocked warlock ? iam too lazy to post all major bugs
not to mention million gliches, toxic world chat without moderation, abused gold with ruined economy [there are shittons of screenshots with players having 3-4k gold at their 2th day of being 60 lvl], uninformative 1978 year forum and retarded blizzlike los along with %target system wich is not outdated in 2015 only for disabled idiоts

Kronos has no fucking chance against such "tough" realm, yeah

Kronos lost online competition only for one reason - frogs rushed start and stole lots of players who dont want to jump between projects after they have high lvl chars now, but who cares, we have 2k online during EU times wat is perfectly fine
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I find the whole situation quite predictable.


I would like to mention that a lot of quests are bugged on Nost' compared to Kronos. Nost' quality is generally acceptable but Kronos is obviously better in terms of script and I assume it is going to be more stable in the coming weeks.

Regarding Nost', the server progression is kinda broken because of many accessible exploits allowing players to gather more gold than expected. Nost' Team couldn't manage the whole thing, some players have been banned BUT not all of them nor what they illegaly gathered and the economy is still affected by this.

Sadly not only the economy but also the competitive dimension. For example, the first Alliance player to reach lvl 60 on Nost' has been a Warlock and even if he hasn't exploited the beastslayer enchant bug (multiplying spell damage by 3... crazy bug right ?! ) he had the bugged pet instantly regenerating all his life out of combat. Basically it was a huge advantage for him and I dunno if he really deserves this "First lvl 60" title nor if the Nost' Team realized that since they made a positive announce about him.

I don't really care about this guy but how many players exploited the beastslayer bug and to what point the leveling was easier for this community ? We are not talking about a small and unique issue and some of them are still not fixed yet. I'm not even mentioning the well known bugs in raids like the ones for Ragnaros and Onyxia and the small handful of terrible errors committed by the GMs.

At this moment, even if Kronos is customized on several aspects, I really feel it like a better blizzlike experience compared to Nost' and it is EASILY NOTICEABLE. All Vanilla lovers can easily feel the difference and it's not illusory nor even slight. Just try both servers and you'll see what I am talking about.
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