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    TwinStar team

how to fix lotus camping

This isn't TBC and forth though is it? It's vanilla. I think an increased spawn time is the lesser of two evils here, you can't completely molest all the things you don't like about vanilla and create your own abomination of the game, as a wise man once said

Lotus being farmed is part of the game.

Vanilla is not some kind of a perfect game that shouldn't be tampered with. Just like any other expansion, it has major flaws which MUST be changed. Kronos team realized this at least partially, since they capped respec cost at 50g -- something that most of us love, while few people are whining about (fucking imbeciles). I don't see a reason why such an obviously flawed mechanic as Black Lotus shouldn't be changed as well. And making it a random drop is, imo, is as perfect a solution as it ever gonna get.
I don't see a reason why every raid should be buffed to the teeth. Can you please explain me which content is undoable without fllask right now? On the one hand, players think raids are too easy, but on the other hand they want more lotus to have a flask permanently.
Sure, 90g per lotus is really much, but unless you are in <what are keybinds?> or <standing in the fire does really hurt?!?!?!>, you should get most of the - or all - gold needed for lotus from clearing mc,bwl, ony, zg. For the rest of the mats you have to farm. And yes, there is - surprise, surprise - no garisson in vanilla that does all the work for you.
The current prices are ~60-65g(as of this post it is 59g horde - 62g alliance). That's about 30 minutes of dire maul tribute farm, or a full raid, or you can farm twilight text for about an hour. It isn't difficult to make gold in vanilla, there are many ways.

And as already pointed out - you don't have to flask.
tell this to your raid leader when he will invite you in next raid
I have no issue doing so, it isn't mandatory to flask as a melee dps in synced raids. It is mandatory for progression raids, but the last "progression raid" was ZG.
tell this to your raid leader in AQ
It is still my choice to be in this guild, I don't have an issue to flask for AQ. Between ZG and AQ I have had plenty of time to gather enough reagents for flasks sufficient enough for this progression raid.

If I couldnt handle grinding 250g every half a year I wouldnt be in Synced...
I know that you are desperate to make a point that it is difficult to get a few flasks to AQ. But it really isn't. And if you struggle a lot ask your friends for help or simply look for another guild.
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Are Lotus spawns actually random?

There was a soft reset on K1 today at 1:03pm central standard time and this group of 2 Alliance players has been at EVERY spawn for the past 12 spawns in a row. They legitimately seem to know which location will spawn the lotus every single time. They do not spread out or go to different locations, they both just "know" where the spawn is, and they have been at the exact spawn point every single time 12 times in a row. You can call it luck, but when the spawn pattern is really weird (like 3 of the same spawn in a row, then a different spawn, and they just KNOW that it spawns there 3 times in a row, then decide to go to another spot?), this is not luck.

So, they are either cheating somehow, or the lotus spawns are not actually randomized after a server soft reset (or there are multiple patterns and they happened to recognize which one it was today).

I am not asking for a GM to confirm whether or not the spawns or random, I just want to get the info out there that it is possible to either cheat and know where the lotus spawns are going to be, or the spawn locations are not random.
Re: Are Lotus spawns actually random?

Black Lotus always spawns in those locations, and each of those locations has a 60min respawn timer from the moment it is looted. Either click faster than a faction member or kill the opposing faction member trying to loot it.

No, it is obvious you don't understand how black lotus spawns work. The black lotus only spawns at ONE of those locations every 60 minutes (from when it is picked), and it is supposed to be random.
Re: Are Lotus spawns actually random?

No, it is obvious you don't understand how black lotus spawns work. The black lotus only spawns at ONE of those locations every 60 minutes (from when it is picked), and it is supposed to be random.
No, it is obvious you don't understand how black lotus spawns work. The black lotus does NOT spawn at only one location. Unless something changed in the last 24h you are wrong and these people are probably testing their luck or have characters on every possible spawnpoint.
Black Lotus "farming"

I truly believe the current state of Black Lotus farming (read:spawn camping) should be addressed.
If I recall correctly, the mechanics in vanilla was changed so that instead of own BL-nodes, they shared nodes with dreamfoil, with a low chance of spawning.
I believe this will make the BL-farming more enjoyable for everyone, without nudging the server economy too much.
As it stands now, unless you have lots of gold, or an alt at nodes with timers activated, you arent getting any Black Lotus, which is killing the thrill of BL-farming tbh.
Re: Are Lotus spawns actually random?

No, it is obvious you don't understand how black lotus spawns work. The black lotus does NOT spawn at only one location. Unless something changed in the last 24h you are wrong and these people are probably testing their luck or have characters on every possible spawnpoint.

Are you fucking retarded? I just said it spawns at ONE location RANDOMLY once an hour from the pick time. There are 6 spawn locations in Silithus, so it will spawn at ONE of those 6 locations, and then an hour later, it will spawn at ONE location again, randomly, any of the locations, it could be the same location, OR it could be a different location. Each location does not have it's own timer, there is only one timer, one spawn.

Edit: And it's also obvious you didn't read the original post. They aren't running to the spawn AFTER it has spawned, the same 2 characters are AT the spawn location every time it spawns, as in before, in preparation. You can't tell me someone guesses the spawn location 14 times in a row.
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Re: Black Lotus "farming"

My guild mates farm plenty of lotus even without tons of alts. Why do you need an alt to successfully sit on a spawn?
Re: Black Lotus "farming"

got 3 yesterday in a row, kill the spawn campers as you see them
if you're ally you're out of luck; buy a horde alt and mail them to yourself
2 eye of shadow + 2 BL in 1hr = priceless
Re: Black Lotus "farming"

Its essentially impossible to get a black lotus now unless you're part of the mafia.
Re: Are Lotus spawns actually random?

there's no pattern, but those 2 you are talking about are 100% cheating somehow; saw them at the correct spawn 8 times in a row one day
Re: Black Lotus "farming"

People in the mafia will tell you it's impossible to get lotus since they are smart and prefer having you not trying... Haha
Re: Black Lotus "farming"

As it stands now, unless you have lots of gold, or an alt at nodes with timers activated, you arent getting any Black Lotus, which is killing the thrill of BL-farming tbh.


I like like the idea of just having it be a % drop from high level herbs like arcane crystals from throium nods. Regardless, like I've said before somewhere the herb spawns need to be tweaked one way or another to counter the large populations on both k1 and k2.
Lotus have exactly 60 minute spawn times. The issue is mainly the server allowing people to log each other's accounts to camp zones. I have witnessed people from Synced, Risen and Vanguard camping entire zones with alliance and horde chars across multiple accounts, many of those chars being illegally logged (Account sharing) and nothing is being done to them.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing accounts to farm herbs.

I think it's silly how a select few people exploit the unlimited account system right now, but I can't do anything about it aside from maybe denounce them a bit - not unlike a dog barking at you from afar. They have no reason to care about that.
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