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    TwinStar team

[Poll] Cross-faction donation mounts on Kronos?

there are several horde players with alliance mounts and vice versa. kronos just broke both legs near the finish line on the most blizzlike vanilla server
Thank you. I'll look for another server
It can't be that important. Just can't. It's mounts. Not even avaliable ingame mounts, just removed-after-1.4 ones. It's even rather logical - how the hell are gnomes more capable of riding a nightsaber than orcs?

I mean, even one mob stuck in the tree is a bigger issue, IMHO.
I stopped playing on this server since this crossfaction game-breaker issue popped out.

Premise: I, too, don't like cross-faction mounts at all. I consider them the most painful thing for my eyes to behold, and it is probably also a turn off for several players (however the actual casual ones, much more than those who donate to obtain them if you ask me), players who probably create a toon, run to the nearest capital to make a rough estimate of what realm population they can expect, see any 60 on an enemy faction mount, tag the server as custom/fun and quit it for good.

That being said, I'm very curious to hear what "game-breaking" means to you, as I'm reasonably sure you have a very peculiar, personal definition of it.
Thank you. I'll look for another server

To be honest anyone who instantly leaves on account of seeing a person on a cross-faction mount is likely not a person I care to have in my company.

I donated and I ride a wolf to show it (and wear a tabard) as a human basically I consider myself a walking litmus test for people I'd rather buggered off.

Even though I was originally against it, I would never be so ridiculous as to believe it's worth playing on any other vanilla realm. Why would you even do this to yourself? Why would you inflict yourself with nothing but inferior experiences on other realms over donation mounts that do absolutely nothing to game play? I feel like every person that leaves on account of seeing me on my mount, Kronos's average IQ is just a wee-bit higher.
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To be honest anyone who instantly leaves on account of seeing a person on a cross-faction mount is likely not a person I care to have in my company.

I donated and I ride a wolf to show it (and wear a tabard) as a human basically I consider myself a walking litmus test for people I'd rather buggered off.

Even though I was originally against it, I would never be so ridiculous as to believe it's worth playing on any other vanilla realm. Why would you even do this to yourself? Why would you inflict yourself with nothing but inferior experiences on other realms over donation mounts that do absolutely nothing to game play? I feel like every person that leaves on account of seeing me on my mount, Kronos's average IQ is just a wee-bit higher.

true, but why do people play vanilla wow? because of the gameplay or because of the immersion and feel?
especially blizzlike lovers mainly play for the immersion, thats why they hate the mounts.
but its needlessly to talk about it anyway since the kronos staff wont undo this and most people who do really not like it are already gone

for me personally it was not about the mount itself but the first time i doubt kronos blizzlike policy. and this is what nobody seems to understand here.
true, but why do people play vanilla wow? because of the gameplay or because of the immersion and feel?
especially blizzlike lovers mainly play for the immersion, thats why they hate the mounts.
but its needlessly to talk about it anyway since the kronos staff wont undo this and most people who do really not like it are already gone

for me personally it was not about the mount itself but the first time i doubt kronos blizzlike policy. and this is what nobody seems to understand here.
Where would they go? There is no alternative that provides such a player with what they want.

There is no perfect Blizz-like option for Vanilla servers in the first place, so even for players who are hard-up about that kind of thing should still be picking Kronos. First person to bring up Nos gets a gigantic hearty laugh in the face. They've spit on the face of Blizz-like in more ways than one in the same vein that Kronos has. Not to mention the massively inferior game play experience, before even bothering to mention the absurd population.

Here's the thing : That's a good thing. Many things about Vanilla were antiquated. Most servers should be making an effort to tweak and sharpen certain things about the experience that were literally under-par in terms of their existence as an element of the vanilla experience.

That especially goes for the timelines. If we released at the same rate as real Blizz-like timelines, people would be bored shitless. People now clear the first several tiers of vanilla same night they get their hands on them with a raid of level capped characters. This wasn't so in real vanilla. It's in any private servers interest to not be blizz-like, and cater their content release to their player-base. Blizz-like is nothing but a pretentious buzz-word now.

There is no such thing as a perfectly blizz-like vanilla realm.

Also, the main central memory points of vanilla was the raiding, pvp, and realm communities, and I'm having no trouble getting a piece of all of those every day on Kronos.
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.__. I actually really like the idea of the cross faction mounts here. To be honest, I never would have known about it if I hadn't seen this board! Debating on getting one now to help support the server.
On retail, I'm from a RP server. Immersion and Lore means everything to me. Watching an orc ride by on a nightsaber (which uh, spoilers.. they will be anyways when ZG comes out) or a human on a wolf doesn't really feel like a big slap in the face.
While yes, I agree that I would not want to see these mounts pop up on retail and be used cross faction there ( At least not THESE SPECIFIC mounts, but other new ones, sure!) .. I feel like a private server should get to do this. Why? Well... We're not paying $15 a month on this, are we? Nope. So where does the money come from? Where does the encouragement to donate come from? Without something like a special retired mount from back in the day, there is really no incentive to donate except for the RARE cases of "Hey I have some extra money, let me just toss it at the server." Such cases are very very rare. It happens, but it's rare. I'm willing to bet that over half the people on here play because of the fact it's free!

I would rather see these mounts as a reward than having the server turn to "Pay to become lvl 60" or "Pay and get epic gear!" Many might say, "Lol that wont happen." But I assure you that it could! Even Blizzard has a pay to level deal going on, so who's to say a private server wouldn't?

I'm honestly very surprised by a lot of the replies here. As a huge lore-geek myself, I really can't understand the problem. I'm sitting here trying to think of excuses as to why this would be an issue. Can't tell you how many times this has auto-saved during this time xD. But.. I can't come up with anything really. There is no problem! It ruins no one's experience.
And this is why:
Yup! Since day one, a Dwarf hunter has been able to go out and tame a Orcish Worg. In the same aspect, a Troll can go out and tame a Night Elven nightsaber! Not just ones that look like it out wandering randomly in the world, but ones that are out in the starting areas that are usually difficult for the opposite faction to get to, putting me under the impression that these specific pets are classified as that faction/race's beast, even if they really aren't.
Now, try to tell me that your immersion is ruined by the thought of someone either:
A. Taming a large wild beast to ride around
B. Purchasing a large wild beast that someone else tamed to ride around
while there are hunters running around with 'the opposite faction's' pets by their side. It's honestly the same thing. ZG proves this point. Alliance gets to ride a Raptor. Horde gets to ride a Tiger/Panther.

TL;DR, many of the posts that are saying things like "visually disturbing" and "hurts the immersion" etc sound like people who are just trying to attack the server for any tiny thing they see. At least in my opinion that's what it looks like. No one is forcing them to purchase anything. No one is gaining anything that will make them better than another player by purchasing it. Immersion-wise, it is visually and lore friendly! It's an animal. As for the robot chicken, $20 says a Goblin would put one together for enough gold!
Let people spend their money to support the server how they want. I mean, unless you rather pay $15 a month to keep the server going nice and strong :)

Please though, I would love to see some in depth explanations as to why this is such a horrible thing immersion and game-play wise. I'm actually really curious, and the replies I have seen so far are super vague. Mostly just a bunch of "it doesn't feel right!" Why doesn't it feel right? I'd really like to understand your thought process on this!
Mount or not I would have still donated $60 to the server like I've done.

reason? I'll pay upwards to $80 for a good game such as fall out 4 and get my time worth of enjoyment out of it. Kronos is free so paying $60 seems more than fare to support a team of devs to script and maintain a game I enjoy playing. I'm sure I will donate more in the future and I still don't have an issue with that.
I'd really like to understand your thought process on this!

OK here are my thoughts on the matter. First off, I'm strongly against the idea of crossfaction mounts and it is the main reason I decided to not play here, at least not right now. I might change my mind later on, but I doubt it.

So I'm playing Vanilla not because it's a challenge to me or because I love doing the vanilla raids or PvP - I'm playing it for partly nostalgia reasons and partly because I love the environment. Environment basically means features that trademarks vanilla, features that future expansions do not have. For example(one among many), it's much harder to actually feel unique in vanilla but when you do, that's awesome and I love it. Stuff that makes you unique are a) mounts b) titles c) gear d) reputation. When I see someone riding the frostsaber from winterspring(Like myself :)), the r11 mounts or perhaps the oldschool ones that nostalrius handled in a very good way; only being obtainable for a limited time, I obliquely think that character is really cool and that he/she has done a good job.

Same goes for the other stuff I mentioned. And now here's the problem, when you let people buy mounts like this it removes that feeling, especially with the crossfaction option. I could maybe accept only selling these mounts to their own faction, but crossfaction is not OK for me.

And here's the second issue that worry me: If the Kronos-team feel okay with an option like this, I wouldn't be suprised if they add more features like these later on.

Remember, this is very subjective as is every other comment in this thread. Maybe there are other people that shares the same thoughts, maybe not. Like I said, right now I'm not gonna be playing here but maybe one day I will.
And here's the second issue that worry me: If the Kronos-team feel okay with an option like this, I wouldn't be suprised if they add more features like these later on.

Remember, this is very subjective as is every other comment in this thread. Maybe there are other people that shares the same thoughts, maybe not. Like I said, right now I'm not gonna be playing here but maybe one day I will.

It wasn't purposeful. It was a un-seen window of error in their donation system that allowed people to buy the cross-faction mounts, but they simply didn't go through the trouble revoking them because it would involve a lot of complications like re-issuing of stars and of course dealing with the bitterness of folks who got what they paid for.

It was an error that they basically just decided to let go because it has absolutely no effect on gameplay.

That's great you oggle people for pre-armored epic mounts, but enjoy your crap-tastically scripted ocean of trolls.
Let us be realistic for once rather than unlogically sad like "1fish".

The mounts offered through donation are the pre-armored mounts and nothing more, their only appeal is that you can ride a kodo as a gnome or a ram as undead to make the opposing faction notice the person but in the end it is no different than a normal mount.

This just secures some donations which are essential for a server so offering a minor cosmetic aspect isn't that big of a deal especially since there are other mounts that set you further apart from others and can only be obtained in the game through normal means.

You see these mounts very very very rarely, i see this once a month at the very most and some times it takes 2-3 months before i see one to be honest and i was here since the alpha. Reason is that they are costly and they dont especially look great on the wrong race without their armor on.
When I see someone riding the frostsaber from winterspring(Like myself :)), the r11 mounts ... I obliquely think that character is really cool and that he/she has done a good job.
And when someone ride a donatation mount, it means that he/she hasn't done a good ingame job, but it means that he/she donated. How mounts that are unavailable through ingame efforts makes those which are available less valuable?

It's like a guild tabard. You may make it look cool, much cooler than the rarest faction tabard, but everyone knows that you just spent max 11 gold on it.
Now, I'm not saying I care much about this subject, because I clearly don't, but let me put it this way:

If we have a new trial in the guild and he needs some gearing up in Strat UD or whatever. We sit on TS, and while riding to the entrance of Stratholme he requests that I dismount my Mechanostrider and change to a different mount because it ruins his ingame experience. Now, all I'm saying is that where we come from, behavior like this won't help his case as a trial.
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