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    TwinStar team

[Poll] Cross-faction donation mounts on Kronos?


It's considered bad tone by a moderator to mock its community.

... What? I'm not trying to make fun of you, I'm legit curious as to how you think Blueblack is "mocking" Kronos community. As far as I can see, he made one comment where a guy was blatantly wrong, implying he should check his facts before making factual statements.
... What? I'm not trying to make fun of you, I'm legit curious as to how you think Blueblack is "mocking" Kronos community. As far as I can see, he made one comment where a guy was blatantly wrong, implying he should check his facts before making factual statements.

I would say the tone is more frustrated than mocking to be honest. It's not pleasant having mods get frustrated with you when you haven't broken forum rules and were ignorant (although I was thankful for having been enlightened). I have a thick skin, but others might take offense I suppose.

I'll just gank you in game :laugh:
While I'm okay with the mounts system now, I don't think the logic you are using is constructive or a good basis for a server which strives to be Blizzlike.

Also I will appreciate the effort and have fun without accepting your logic :tongue:

Threatening to "leave" because of an orc on a cat is not very constructive either. Maybe the fairest solution would be to not make them available anymore, and those that have them, to keep them. Actually that's what happens when Blizzard decides to take shit out of the game.

However, since the system does not allow this, and who knows what it takes to implement this, while the mounts should be made unavailable, makes this shit very convoluted, so I kind of understand why they went with this.

On the other hand, it spices up the game, from my point of view, and it's really a harmless thing...
Threatening to "leave" because of an orc on a cat is not very constructive either.


On the other hand, it spices up the game, from my point of view, and it's really a harmless thing...

With the knowledge that it can only be mounts that were previously not available, I'm okay with it personally and I don't think it's an issue. I don't think others should think it's an issue either, but that's life I guess.

Those who do think it's an issue should just weigh up the pros and cons of being on Kronos. If that is a con for them, then they should consider the enormous pros before being dramatic about it.

Ultimately we just shouldn't rationalise that seeing as how it can never be perfectly Blizzlike, that it doesn't have to be pursued at all. Just like we will never be morally perfect, but we should strive for it regardless. The closeness this server has to retail servers of the past is a big selling point.
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... What? I'm not trying to make fun of you, I'm legit curious as to how you think Blueblack is "mocking" Kronos community. As far as I can see, he made one comment where a guy was blatantly wrong, implying he should check his facts before making factual statements.

I was reffering to how Blueblack facepalmed mexamoxa for presenting his opinion on what is immersion breaking, which isn't really something you can be wrong about. (read: It's subjective)
It's off topic anyway, I should have brought it up elsewhere.
I was reffering to how Blueblack facepalmed a guy for presenting his opinion on what is immersion breaking, somehow I mixed your names up. It's off topic anyway, I should have brought it up elsewhere.
Facepalm is my opinion on his opinion without creating a comment.
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At least I did not join Kronos due to the shop and cross faction mounts.
It smells like pay to win and if I xp on x1 rate I want a classic server and no custom $$ mounts.
Why play a custom server when there is a way more populated and scripted server for free.
At least I did not join Kronos due to the shop and cross faction mounts.
It smells like pay to win and if I xp on x1 rate I want a classic server and no custom $$ mounts.
Why play a custom server when there is a way more populated and scripted server for free.

So let me get this straight: You are saying that saving 90g for a mount is pay to win?
Yes getting a faction mount which is hard to get or even impossible to obtain ingame and saving 90g is pay to win.
At least I did not join Kronos due to the shop and cross faction mounts.
It smells like pay to win and if I xp on x1 rate I want a classic server and no custom $$ mounts.
Why play a custom server when there is a way more populated and scripted server for free.
I'm glad that you decided to not join Kronos (because those reasons are just so retarded, I just don't want to meet the person behind them), and have a wonderful time on that other 100% blizzlike - more scripted - no lag whatsoever server :rolleyes2:
Yes getting a faction mount which is hard to get or even impossible to obtain ingame and saving 90g is pay to win.

Well if getting a mount that is otherwise unobtainable and saving 90 gold ruins the enjoyment of the best scripting and latency for you to the point where you would rather play on an overcrowded and massively laggy server, then that's your own view I guess.

In the mean time, those of us who think rationally will remain on Kronos.
You guys can stick around on this server as much as you want, just saying I'm not the only one not joining Kronos due to the shop.
Guys, stop bitching ceen. There is a problem. Maybe it's smaller than he says, maybe as big as - who knows? Only some serious researches of the community opinion might answer... But no one have time for it ofc :D Decision is made, let's either deal with it and stop talking about it or fight for the disable of the "feature".
I voted that I like the idea. More variety is good IMO, and it's not like the freaking Nightsaber is concerned with the faction of its master. I didnt even know I could do this until I found this thread.
So, thanks for the information OP. Cant wait to hit 60 and ride my big kitty!
Guys, stop bitching ceen. There is a problem.
There is a problem alright. With their silly heads. They're playing on a server that's almost 4 times the population cap in vanilla and complain that Kronos is "not blizzlike" because they give unobtainable mounts for donations. Let's pick arbitrary non-blizzlike issues, shall we?
There is a problem alright. With their silly heads.
But one can't ignore people opinion even if one finds it silly or illogical. Someone might say that it's silly to play computer games...
Every potential player counts, and I think if something like this contributes what-so-ever to losing players, it should be abolished and reformed/fixed.
And no, I don't want Kronos to become overcrowded by silly people, trolls etc... But some hundreds of no matter how intelligent people would be nice.
There is a problem alright. With their silly heads. They're playing on a server that's almost 4 times the population cap in vanilla and complain that Kronos is "not blizzlike" because they give unobtainable mounts for donations. Let's pick arbitrary non-blizzlike issues, shall we?

what do you think would kronos do if they had 8k ppl playing? cut 3/4 off? are you really that silly?
nimeralos asked you kindly to stop bashing ppl like ceen who have a different opinion and straight the next reply comes from #1 propagandist, just brainlessly bashing further.

i also already told you a while ago, making someone else look bad will not really make you any better. but some silly guys seem to not get that.

so just keep bashing non-kronos-fanboys when they state their opinion, it will totally help you.
what do you think would kronos do if they had 8k ppl playing? cut 3/4 off? are you really that silly?
I would expect them to not be retarded and make more servers of have a queue or both.

nimeralos asked you kindly to stop bashing ppl like ceen who have a different opinion and straight the next reply comes from #1 propagandist, just brainlessly bashing further.
I'm not bashing anyone, he's just a fucking troll from the other, great server. He didn't choose the other server because of the stupid mounts and shop from Kronos, he chose it because it has over 9000 population. You're being trolled and you don't even sense it...

Actually, to be honest, I don't even believe that ceen is a player from the other server that just happened to stop playing there and bothered to make a profile on these boards and post that stupid shit. He's probably one of the anti-shop-anti-mounts dudes from Kronos that thinks he invented forum clones to strengthen his opinions. See, when someone found a "way more populated and scripted server for free", they don't just happen to go to the "bad pay to win server" and make an account, then go to their email and confirm the account, then bother to explain why they are on the "way more populated and scripted server" :w00t:

i also already told you a while ago, making someone else look bad will not really make you any better. but some silly guys seem to not get that.

so just keep bashing non-kronos-fanboys when they state their opinion, it will totally help you.
You're little brain doesn't realize that my "bashing" is nothing else than "stating my opinion", right? But because my opinion is not something that you particularly like, you "tell me to stop". You're so full of shit :laugh:
stating my opinion
I would expect them to not be retarded
I'm not bashing anyone
he's just a fucking troll
stating my opinion
With their silly heads
I'm not bashing anyone
You're so full of shit
I'm not bashing anyone
stating my opinion

"You're little brain" - Mosotti 2015 :laugh:

not sure what crack-hole you escaped from, but this language is totally inappropriate for a forum and has nothing to do with stating your opinion.
what do you think would kronos do if they had 8k ppl playing? cut 3/4 off? are you really that silly?
nimeralos asked you kindly to stop bashing ppl like ceen who have a different opinion and straight the next reply comes from #1 propagandist, just brainlessly bashing further.

i also already told you a while ago, making someone else look bad will not really make you any better. but some silly guys seem to not get that.

so just keep bashing non-kronos-fanboys when they state their opinion, it will totally help you.

The problem swings both ways, Revo.

If Nostalrius refuses to make a 2nd server then they sort of need Kronos, and inversely, Kronos needs people to come from Nostalrius.

Ideally both servers can wind up evenly populated with a population on both servers that would still surpass a regular high population classic server in the days of old.

This whole debate between the two is just ridiculous and unnecessary, the ideal, best solution is for people to split evenly between the two.
I decided to stop playing on Kronos until they cure the server from this casual turmoil called crossfaction mounts, people like me were atracted by kronos for it promisses of being the most perfect classic vanilla experience. I wouldn't hype myself to get utterly disappointed if I knew they would allow players to buy another faction mount....

American soldier says: ALAHU AKBAR!11! - That's the same situation here, it's unbearable.

It's sad that the casuals weren't satisfied about ruining the original servers with their casual BS and they're ruining this server too. Their next steps to ruin this server are allowing flying mounts everywhere, reducing hearthsone CD to 15 minutes, placing portals in orgrimmar and porting pandas to the server.

Here is a humble request from a hardcore player to save this server from the casual doom: Please, remove the crossfaction mounts and refund the donation points for the players who exploited the system so I won't feel I'm playing on another crazy pirate server.
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