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    TwinStar team

Silithyst Geyser - Nerf / Remove

the geysers is the last hope for people who are not in the premades. removing the honor from geysers will just cause those people to quit the farm all together. that will cause fewer battlegrounds to pop

removing the honor is not the sollution, sorry
Judging by old reports it's possible there will be a nerf to the honor reward seeing as this has been a problem in the previous edition of the kronos server. https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?issue=2398

But I wonder, why is there no mention of the mechanical aspect? These geysers have been bugged forever.

You are supposed to drop it as you enter combat, which is the case, but you can pick it up without leaving combat if you CC the enemy target, and will only drop it once more if you are attacked again. (I replicated this now, whether you stay in combat for long or simply kill the mob and move on, you have precisely 3min until the mound despawns) Since you can currently CC all mobs in your path, people are able to turn-in geysers very efficiently, when they should be forced to either kill every mob in their path or run in a big detour around all mobs, which would mean alot less geysers being turned in. You could say this would favor hunters/rogues but they would ofc also be affected by these limitations, and cant sprint away. Additionally, their leave-combat abilities isnt going to do much when the mounds will be dropped within the aggro-zone of the mob, meaning they will probably have to kill the mob regardless. Currently mages are heavily favored because of Blink and can CC/root/slow nearly all mobs and players. Ofc geysers are not promoting wpvp, when it takes you 1min to go from locating it to turn-in. If this took longer which it should, it would be very different. Maybe even the values for the speed-reduction is inaccurate.
You used to be able to logout and maintain the geyser forever (unsure how this affected the respawn cycle), although I tried replicating now and it seems to have been fixed, cus as I logged in again the mound was on the floor.
Get rid of it. If they want the ranks, they should have to work for them.
Trust me, no ranker wants the sand. It forces them to play 24/7. But as long as it's there, they are forced to collect it.
Sand is only an issue because the pvp community is so razor thin. I play from 0100am server time until 0100pm server time every day at while at work and it is almost impossible to get a BG going.
http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/101765-Mcdaggers-Honor-Win-trading?p=773772#post773772 Just look at this.Do you really think anyone who is ranking or playing pvp wants to play vs that bullshit?

When I was ranking up, Mcdaggers and his friend Ayz did the same to me, but still I was able to get more honor than him. I understand that's unfair and all, but not against the rules, so you have to deal with it in a way or another if you want to get your standings.

Also I can agree this is not the way you can "enjoy" PvP, I would not even call it PvP. But it's a game and if you use your noggin you'll find the way to outplay these scrubs :)
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http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/101765-Mcdaggers-Honor-Win-trading?p=773772#post773772 Just look at this.Do you really think anyone who is ranking or playing pvp wants to play vs that bullshit?

i think this is a really big issue. it's a behaviour which is toxic for the community. imo something like this can not be tolerated and the involved players should be punished appropriately. if nothing happens here i will consider leaving this server, this is too much.
if nothing happens here i will consider leaving this server, this is too much.

Too much?


I'm against that myself too, but that aside... what else could you have had too much of during your hour-long career on Kronos, if I may ask?

Sorry, but someone joining only to threaten quitting can't hold much credibility.
Too much?


I'm against that myself too, but that aside... what else could you have had too much of during your hour-long career on Kronos, if I may ask?

Sorry, but someone joining only to threaten quitting can't hold much credibility.

It never crossed your mind that he might have made the forum account now, but has been playing for longer?
It never crossed your mind that he might have made the forum account now, but has been playing for longer?

Sure, it's a possibility. You being behind that forum account yourself is one, too. That's beyond my point, honestly. I simply never trusted people who commence with threats. You feel like defending them, who knows why... to each his own I guess :rolleyes2:
It never crossed your mind that he might have made the forum account now, but has been playing for longer?

have been reading this forum for quite some time and i registered to post because of this matter
its ok
there is no need to be med
its only
only game
but i am

with all the respect to Kronos Administration
remove the honor gain from silithyst
its not blizzlike, but whats now
for prevent honor ranker generation borning like those ^
and those

was afk for couple days on ab weekend
came back, weekend still up
asked guildies
"hi guys any bg today?" it was 20:00 PM or so, ST ofc
but got an answer that it was 3 or 4 wsg at this day
ok im not med
no im med again

im not sure it will fix honor situation
but come on, please give a shot for this, im sure its not that hard

hi eggs
fuck you
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Honor gain from sand seriously needs to be removed. collecting sand day and night is not PvP. Its cancer

You have disabled honor gains before so just do it here too.
can't kill ayz naked anymore in silithus cause he's got his r13 so i guess remove sand
I don't get it since the Honor value from silithyst is wrong why they don't change it to the normal state. It used to give 19Honor each turn and the same amount of reputation and not 199Honor. Even now days wow if u go and turn a piece of sand it gives 19Honor, till now days the amount remains the same.

Some examples :

By [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/user=Ne0nguy"]Ne0nguy[/URL] ([COLOR=#FFFFFF]4,824[/COLOR] –  [B]18[/B]·[U]60[/U])  [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/object=181598/silithyst-geyser#comments:id=768947"]on 2009/07/06[/URL] (Patch 3.1.3)
A single turn in of Silithyst awards the player with the following:

    * 10 Reputation with the [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/?faction=609"]Cenarion Circle[/URL] faction.
    * 19 [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=43308"]Honor points[/URL]
    * [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=29534"]Traces of Silithyst[/URL], a 30 minute buff increasing Melee and Spell damage dealt by 5%. 

In addition, the faction that completes the race to 200 Silithyst will receive a [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=30754"]zone wide buff[/URL],  increasing Cenarion Circle reputation gained from killing monsters by  25%. 
The buff will apply to any player within Silithus and the Ahn'Qiraj  instances, even to those who enter them at a later time. 
It will  persist through death until the opposing faction has collected 200  Silithyst and therefore won the race.
 A server reboot will reset the  battle, which means both sides start at 0/200 Silithyst and lose their buff.
By [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/user=Zandranas"]Zandranas[/URL] ([COLOR=#FFFFFF]7,819[/COLOR] –  [I]1[/I]·[B]15[/B]·[U]47[/U])  [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/object=181598/silithyst-geyser#comments:id=160226"]on 2007/09/29[/URL] (Patch 2.2.0)
The Silithyst buff drops your movement to 75% of normal, Ghost Wolf and  Aspect of the Cheetah, 
travel form too (can't comfirm) move you back up  to 100% run speed. 
At 70 you will still get full reputation and 19 honor per turn in.

A reference from wowhead, check the versions of the game in the patch comments.
Because in TBC, honor turned into curency. And having 200 honor per turn with 10 000 honor required per item would be ridiculous.

Anyway, I had a talk with one of our members that is aiming for R14 and he told me one argument for keeping it how it is now - The sands separate hardcore PvPers from casual ones. Even though it kills BGs somehow (I think that it kills it much less than premade evading and BG farming), it gives the hardcore players chance to farm honor hard. In system, where when you are higher rank, you get less honor for player kill are low rank players in advantage. Sands give high rank players an chance to keep pace with them or even overfarm them.
Some of the issues with sand is that;
1. People rather farm sand then play bgs (they earn more honor this way, but how on Earth would you rather farm dust all day instead of play bgs when the guys you are competing with are playing bgs as well). This has been happening a lot as of late mainly alliance side.
2. People can be boosted from geysers, basically if you have enough people that care about you, and are willing to help you you can 4-5 people to get you anywhere from 10k-20k honor from this dust bullshit.
3. People are abusing warlock summons in order for more efficient sand farming, which I personally wish I did when I was doing the dust farming would make it 10 times more easier. But it is extremely unfair to the other people farming dust the old fashion way.
And in response to aieris, "the sands separate the hardcore pvpers from the casual ones?", I'm sorry but I do not agree with this whatsoever... if you are a hardcore pvper you want bgs to pop all day not go farm sand for 14+ hours. This involves no pvp... unless horde get mad enough that alliance are not queing bgs and we want to camp you until you que bgs. I don't want to hear the premade evading excuses anymore cause this hasn't happened in almost a month now. The reason sand is killing bgs at the moment is because the top alliance rankers would rather farm sand all day then que bgs they are in no way "hardcore pvpers".(refer to #1)

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