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    TwinStar team

Your Position in Queue:

+4100th in queue

Expecting to be in queue for +4 hours, before I get in.

This is unplayable.

No, literally!
I waited for nearly 2 hours to play, there was over 3500 players in queue. After I finally got in and started playing, my WoW crashed and now it is over 4000 players in queue.
WTF? AGAIN "You think you do, but you don't"? Stupid Kronos
Based on my experience so far, it seems like most Kronos players agree they don't want higher population servers, so I think the devs are doing right here by listening to their players and opening a new realm instead of increasing caps
Based on my experience so far, it seems like most Kronos players agree they don't want higher population servers, so I think the devs are doing right here by listening to their players and opening a new realm instead of increasing caps

Well we are all one now, I am now a Kronos player even if I played on Nos before. So who is to say what is better for the server? I prefer to have bigger population for example, after all it's an MMO and want the world to feel alive, even if that means more ganking or more competition for mobs etc...this is all part of the game.
Based on my experience so far, it seems like most Kronos players agree they don't want higher population servers, so I think the devs are doing right here by listening to their players and opening a new realm instead of increasing caps

They are gonna decrease the cap on the pvp server when the pve realm launches. Sounds like they wanna decrease it to the original 2.5k and have them both capped as such to preserve the full vanilla experience. Problem is 2.5k x 2 is only 5k. Theres 10k+ wanting to play. There will still be 1k+ queues. Raise the damn cap to 10k like warmane. More people = more world pvp, dungeon groups, BGS. Theres a reason that nost was so popular, swallow your pride devs and raise the cap. Opening a new realm and capping it at 2.5k- 3k aint gonna fix anything.
Based on my experience so far, it seems like most Kronos players agree they don't want higher population servers, so I think the devs are doing right here by listening to their players and opening a new realm instead of increasing caps
Nostal: farm reputation, ALTERAC VALLY(!!!), all instance, world pvp - 24/7(!!!!) all happy(North America, South America, Eurasia)
Kronos: :no:
Well we are all one now, I am now a Kronos player even if I played on Nos before. So who is to say what is better for the server? I prefer to have bigger population for example, after all it's an MMO and want the world to feel alive, even if that means more ganking or more competition for mobs etc...this is all part of the game.
Yeah the debate can easily go either way, I'm not sure myself if I'd prefer a 2.5k or 10k cap....lower population makes it easier to get farm spots and resources without it being too "crowded", but higher population allows for more of a community/activity during off times/easier time finding groups/raids/BGs.

But looking around the forums and what a lot of players are saying about Kronos, it seems like this server has stood apart from Nostalrius in the past by offering that lower population, and a lot of people like that.
4100th to 1900th in queue in 2 hours.

This is ridiculous. If you have any less than 4 hours, then you literally can't even play the game. We NEED more servers.
They are gonna decrease the cap on the pvp server when the pve realm launches. Sounds like they wanna decrease it to the original 2.5k and have them both capped as such to preserve the full vanilla experience. Problem is 2.5k x 2 is only 5k. Theres 10k+ wanting to play. There will still be 1k+ queues. Raise the damn cap to 10k like warmane. More people = more world pvp, dungeon groups, BGS. Theres a reason that nost was so popular, swallow your pride devs and raise the cap. Opening a new realm and capping it at 2.5k- 3k aint gonna fix anything.

Majority will not go to pve server for various reasons. On the other hand, newcomers will hit lvl 60 pretty soon. It means we will get queue even for 60s in the near future. What is more, there is chinese community which migrtated here also that might affect on the whole situation. Just wait for official announcement and lets hope admins will come up with the solution.
They are gonna decrease the cap on the pvp server when the pve realm launches. Sounds like they wanna decrease it to the original 2.5k and have them both capped as such to preserve the full vanilla experience. Problem is 2.5k x 2 is only 5k. Theres 10k+ wanting to play. There will still be 1k+ queues. Raise the damn cap to 10k like warmane. More people = more world pvp, dungeon groups, BGS. Theres a reason that nost was so popular, swallow your pride devs and raise the cap. Opening a new realm and capping it at 2.5k- 3k aint gonna fix anything.
True, I think lowering back down to 2.5k is a bit silly. What is the original live server cap? Because 2.5k seems a bit low, I could of sworn that live servers were around 4k players.
Its a bit unfair what theyve done with the queue since they got some many players over from nost and before that they even increased XP gain for a time, which is non blizzlike - so they saying they lowered cap to be blizzlike is total bullcrap
Can you guys fuck off already with your 10k+ server shit? That's not Blizzlike its a fucking shitfest. Server problems,everything over killed and over farmed. The only and ONLY fucking pro is the ability to form groups for dungeons almost instantly which doesn't out balance the MANY fucking cons that it brings. 2.5k is blizzlike, 3k is reasonable its as simple as that. Nost is gone,move on.
As much as I hate the queue, like everyone else, raising the player cap will royally fuck up everything and make it even less desirable to play on. I have patience, Kronos 2 regardless of its PVE or PVP status will surely make things easier and less crowded on our server.
Also please remember that this is during the weekend and most of the time the queue is either none at all or a short-ish one.
For people wondering "why would anyone highlevel want a transfer":

I mainly want a fresh start with the highlevel dungeons and raiding. 6 months ago when I hit 45, I had to quit due to various life circumstances, but I also was very frustrated with how people were already done with all the starter raids and how you would have to farm every single BiS so somebody would even consider taking you with him. Afterwards you'd probably have to raid for month since everybody had already banked hundreds of DKP and content was just farmed in a mechanical, "efficient" manner.

I don't even expect to hit 60, before all the people starting from scratch do, even though I just have 11 more levels to go.
Can you guys fuck off already with your 10k+ server shit? That's not Blizzlike its a fucking shitfest. Server problems,everything over killed and over farmed. The only and ONLY fucking pro is the ability to form groups for dungeons almost instantly which doesn't out balance the MANY fucking cons that it brings. 2.5k is blizzlike, 3k is reasonable its as simple as that. Nost is gone,move on.

A bit out of context but still explains some things.
Post from Chero:
"As far as I know, we never presented our project as blizz-like. We are trying to deliver the best experience with QoL improvements. You don't have to like that - you don't have to play here. There are plenty of players in the queue ."
You are not playing on blizz-like server as you can see :D 5-7k server is pretty balanced with dynamic spawn of npc/herbs.
A bit out of context but still explains some things.
Post from Chero:
"As far as I know, we never presented our project as blizz-like. We are trying to deliver the best experience with QoL improvements. You don't have to like that - you don't have to play here. There are plenty of players in the queue ."
You are not playing on blizz-like server as you can see :D 5-7k server is pretty balanced with dynamic spawn of npc/herbs.

Its not just about being blizzlike,its also about quality. The whole game was centered around that number. You can increase spawn and node rates but the world size still stays the same. 5-7k is already 200%+ more players that should ever be online at once. There's only so much space,so much zones and so much everything.
Its not just about being blizzlike,its also about quality. The whole game was centered around that number. You can increase spawn and node rates but the world size still stays the same. 5-7k is already 200%+ more players that should ever be online at once. There's only so much space,so much zones and so much everything.
Dont tell us how blizzlike supposed to be then :D You dont really know how it was m8. They had 2,5k cap at release like first 3-4 months of vanilla. They increased that number later up 3,5k. You can run nice lag free server with 5k. Also around 20% of population afk in major cities :smile: another 10-15% farming/leveling alts on 2nd/3d window because its free server and you dont need to pay for subscription. It is nostalgia for the most of people who played back then. Dont be so greedy because everyone wants to play :tongue:
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Dont tell us how blizzlike supposed to be then :D You dont really know how it was m8. They had 2,5k cap at release like first 3-4 months of vanilla. They increased that number later up 3,5k. You can run nice lag free server with 5k. Also around 20% of population afk in major cities :smile: another 10-15% farming/leveling alts on 2nd/3d window because its free server and you dont need to pay for subscription. It is nostalgia for the most of people who played back then. Dont be so greedy because everyone wants to play :tongue:

What is the cap at right now? 5k? Seems fairly lag free to me, but it is a bit crowded in some areas. I personally think 4k would be a nice balance. Two servers with a low cap of 2.5k is still going to bring about horrid queue's.
What is the cap at right now? 5k? Seems fairly lag free to me, but it is a bit crowded in some areas. I personally think 4k would be a nice balance. Two servers with a low cap of 2.5k is still going to bring about horrid queue's.

Not only the horrid queues but its literally gonna split the pvp community in half on top of it. Raising the cap > splitting the community. To all yall who want the low pop, go to retail and enjoy your low pop. As i said earlier, theres a reason why nost was so popular. 24/7 battlegrounds including AV, 24/7 world pvp, 24/7 dungeons. You wont be getting that with two 2.5k capped pvp servers. At the very least cap them both at 6k-8k. You have over 10,000 players wanting to play, dont say fuk you to 5,000 of them.
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