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    TwinStar team

Your Position in Queue:

I shouldn't try anymore. I tried back then on the nost forums to knock sense into people who believed that opening a 2nd server on nost was a terrible terrible idea and would cause the ''death'' of the PVP server. It didn't.

There's no point in debating with people who just don't know any better and never experienced retail vanilla. But what am I saying, I'm a masochist!

Dont tell us how blizzlike supposed to be then :D You dont really know how it was m8. They had 2,5k cap at release like first 3-4 months of vanilla. They increased that number later up 3,5k. You can run nice lag free server with 5k. Also around 20% of population afk in major cities :smile: another 10-15% farming/leveling alts on 2nd/3d window because its free server and you dont need to pay for subscription. It is nostalgia for the most of people who played back then. Dont be so greedy because everyone wants to play :tongue:


Not only the horrid queues but its literally gonna split the pvp community in half on top of it. Raising the cap > splitting the community. To all yall who want the low pop, go to retail and enjoy your low pop. As i said earlier, theres a reason why nost was so popular. 24/7 battlegrounds including AV, 24/7 world pvp, 24/7 dungeons. You wont be getting that with two 2.5k capped pvp servers. At the very least cap them both at 6k-8k. You have over 10,000 players wanting to play, dont say fuk you to 5,000 of them.

''low pop'' he fucking says,fuck off. Nost is gone,move along.

There I said it!
''low pop'' he fucking says,fuck off. Nost is gone,move along.

There I said it!

I would personally be fine with 3-4k pop, but with the cap being at 5k right now and there being a 4k queue...having two realms with a cap of 2.5k is not going to do anything to resolve the queue issue.
I would personally be fine with 3-4k pop, but with the cap being at 5k right now and there being a 4k queue...having two realms with a cap of 2.5k is not going to do anything to resolve the queue issue.

Given the population - 2.5k is too low, unless they want to open Kronos III and IV in a month.

However they haven't said that they're planning to go back to 2.5k (unless I've completely missed it), just that they're lowering the limit, which if it is 6k now (is it? I vaguely recall someone mentioning that but it doesn't matter if it is 5- or 6k) could end up at anything between 2.5k and 5999. So even if they lower it with a thousand, it would still be a substantial decrease, but well above what vanilla retail had as cap.
I shouldn't try anymore. I tried back then on the nost forums to knock sense into people who believed that opening a 2nd server on nost was a terrible terrible idea and would cause the ''death'' of the PVP server. It didn't.

There's no point in debating with people who just don't know any better and never experienced retail vanilla. But what am I saying, I'm a masochist!


''low pop'' he fucking says,fuck off. Nost is gone,move along.

There I said it!

nost is here , and we're the fuckin majority now. Most of us dont want the community split in two because it usually ends in the death of the server you fuckin dolt. Oh i forgot you like kronos as it was before, a dead realm offering 7x xp events to desperately attract players. You sound like the blizzdrones on retail forums telling everyone legacy servers are gone, move along. How about you fuck off.

I love how the devs say they want to have the realms cap back to blizzlike to preserve the blizzlike experience, but you have a damn shop where you can buy cross faction mounts and buy and sell characters. With 7x xp events. Very very blizzlike.

raise the damn cap to 10k instead of splitting the community in half, it will be the ultimate death of this server.

edit: or better yet, make a 2nd realm and put a 10k cap on that so the first server will die with the original kronos nutjobs like zanz and all you other inhospitable natives of this server. I guarantee you the 2nd server would come out the winner.
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nost is here , and we're the fuckin majority now. Most of us dont want the community split in two because it usually ends in the death of the server you fuckin dolt. Oh i forgot you like kronos as it was before, a dead realm offering 7x xp events to desperately attract players. You sound like the blizzdrones on retail forums telling everyone legacy servers are gone, move along. How about you fuck off.

I love how the devs say they want to have the realms cap back to blizzlike to preserve the blizzlike experience, but you have a damn shop where you can buy cross faction mounts and buy and sell characters. With 7x xp events. Very very blizzlike.

raise the damn cap to 10k instead of splitting the community in half, it will be the ultimate death of this server.

edit: or better yet, make a 2nd realm and put a 10k cap on that so the first server will die with the original kronos nutjobs like zanz and all you other inhospitable natives of this server. I guarantee you the 2nd server would come out the winner.

Your opinion is like a mix-tape, we don't want to hear it.

Just because your server failed theres no reason for you to keep shit talking against Kronos.

Twinstar / Kronos team = handles the situation
Nost team = Waits 6 month before releasing 2nd server - > still laggy -> scared of blizz -> exitscam instead of moving the server


Ib4 argument that Kronos would be dead without nost -> We did fine before you guys came.
Where are you on queue?

Been in queue for 3 hours now and sill have 600 more to go >.>

update : it's been about 10 minutes and now I'm at 297.

update 2: now I'm at 90 but it's telling me that I have a 30 minute wait time.. lol

update 3: I'm in. Most of the names I was planning on reserving are taken tho. :S
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Re: Where are you on queue?

I was told if you dc'd or whatever that you could get back in instantly... well I crashed while adjusting an addon and got thrown in queue

sitting at 3164
Re: Where are you on queue?

3213 at the moment ,that is after 3 dc`s and put back in the line off the que again .
Re: Where are you on queue?

When I got in after sitting in the queue for two hours I had 1500ms ping. Maybe I will give it a few days to calm down :laugh:
Kronos II - Queue

Is there something wrong with queue? Or is it really this slow when it takes like 10 minutes for 1 person to log out?

Position reduces by 1 every 5-10 minute. And i have actually seen a slower queue. The queue is right after the maintinance and i was thinking if i got into some bug queue? I am at 41 and i dont really want to "try again" :p

Best regards
Re: Kronos II - Queue

As soon i wrote the topic it started move alot faster... slow, but faster. :p
And the queue were really that slow :) Cause im in an playing now ^^
Re: Kronos II - Queue

I started at 400 in que , about 45 minutes ago , i'm now at 150 in que.

Re: Kronos II - Queue

yeah I was thinking the same. started at 600, said it was 235 min wait... now over an hour later and I'm at 411
Re: Kronos II - Queue

atleast your in the que! mine says hand shacking, success, then gets stuck on connected for 15-20 secs then disconnects.
Re: Kronos II - Queue

A lot of people are hiding in buildings and use an anti-afk bot so they dont get kicked out.

Considering the long waiting time to get in, should we report them? If more and more people start to do that, it's only gonna get worse.
Can we get an update?

Dear Kronos developers and other staff,

First id like to thank all of you, for creating this amazing server to play on for us wow fanatics.

But is there any possibility we can get like an update, about how things are standing regarding que times and server population limits? Since yesterday i've had alot of random disconnects and without any grace period you get placed back in the que. I understand there is alot of pressure on your shoulders with this many players wanting to play but spending 2 hours in-game and then 2 hours in que is pretty painfull. understandable but painfull =)

I would greatly appreciate it if we could get some information from the kronos staf regarding these things.

(I might overlooked this information on the forumns, if so please kick my but in the right direction if so.)


Re: Can we get an update?

Well, i logged in this morning around 10:00 Server time and was able to play untill 11:30 server time then got randomly disconnected and have been stuck in the que for atleast 5 hours now. At one point my position in que was 300 and it just froze up and did not continue up untill it disconnected me again. Currently i'm position 800 in que.
Re: Can we get an update?

yea, i JUST got disconnected and am in position 900 something in queue... this is ridiculous... like... consider not playing ridiculous...
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