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    TwinStar team

A very sad time on Kronos 2.

I know for a FACT that Last Act has only been dodging Gurtash etc.. They might have dodged Chrys when you guys started dodging aswell, but if you have watched streams lately they have faced them loads of times.

If you watched the streams you could also see that LA actually won over Gurtash premade twice. But I guess it is not efficient honor. They are afterall trying to dethrone the premade who had member which directly said they "own" 1-12 standings... Remember that you guys have been throwing games all weekend to Gurtash aswell, by letting them instantly 5 cap.

We were forced into letting Gurtash 5 cap us because we were getting dumped into Last Act's dodged games against Gurtash literally over and over and getting 0 Honor. Obviously there is no pride in rolling over and letting the other team win, but in my opinion it's at least not scummy like dodging. Rolling over doesn't abuse an unintended game mechanic (opening a game + dodging IS abuse) and also doesn't fuck over your own faction's other players

And why did all this start? Well obviously because Remedy got dodged by EVERYONE during the endless WSG weeks, where they got 3 cap in under 6 minutes every game. Take a look at Orgrimmar during these times and how everyone spams which games are Remedy lol.. How do you counter that as a alliance premade that gets stuck with literally every horde tryhard?
What you describe is cancer, I agree mate. I wish that K2 would simply do something to make dodging impossible, or at least punish it. If Premades were simply forced the accept every queue the PvP scene would improve by leaps and bounds in a matter of weeks, maybe even days :/
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Dodging is just another way of tryharding. You created this environment, where it's all about pushing honor to the absolute maximum. REMEDY ruined BG's on Kronos 2 and now they are bitching about a tryhard environment, which they created themselves.

smh. dodging is admtting your group is worse or not dedicated enough. in any case you dont't deserve what you achieve by dodging.
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There is a H U G E difference between what we have been doing in WSG (accepting every queue and simply playing the game, max tryhard) and what some groups are doing in AB this weekend (dodging/opening games, avoiding real PvP, manipulating the system to farm Honor).
This has been happening for a long time in wsg as well. Notice those lvl 1 scouts in the bg room?

Maybe it became apparent for remedy due to the 2nd and 3rd best alliance premade started dodging during AB weekend. Every premade below top3 tier dodged the shit out of everything even prior.
Seems K2 situation is way worse than K1 now. Oh well, exploitable rank systems: much fun - very wow.
Yep K2 is a dying server currently in the PVP scene, most PVP'ers have now gone to another server.
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cant wait to go and play with 100 others on rebirth where they took 5 years to fix feenix pvp bugs!! jk theyre still not fixed!!! wohoo!!!!
cant wait to go and play with 100 others on rebirth where they took 5 years to fix feenix pvp bugs!! jk theyre still not fixed!!! wohoo!!!!

3 simple fixes would make pvp scene 100% more enjoyable.
1. Deserter on dropping queue.
2. Fix the alt+f4 exploit
3. Add multiqueue - but ONLY for players queueing solo.

More soloplayers, more different battlegrounds and the ability to play ab/av outside of weekends. And less empty games.

I can't see a single drawback with this. And making it harder for players who arent pvpers in the first place to get pvpgear should just be counted as a bonus.
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3 simple fixes would make pvp scene 100% more enjoyable.
1. Deserter on dropping queue.
2. Fix the alt+f4 exploit
3. Add multiqueue - but ONLY for players queueing solo
3 great suggestions that would instantly improve the PvP scene for both PuG players and legit/honest Premades
We were forced into letting Gurtash 5 cap us because we were getting dumped into Last Act's dodged games against Gurtash literally over and over and getting 0 Honor. Obviously there is no pride in rolling over and letting the other team win, but in my opinion it's at least not scummy like dodging. Rolling over doesn't abuse an unintended game mechanic (opening a game + dodging IS abuse) and also doesn't fuck over your own faction's other players

What you describe is cancer, I agree mate. I wish that K2 would simply do something to make dodging impossible, or at least punish it. If Premades were simply forced the accept every queue the PvP scene would improve by leaps and bounds in a matter of weeks, maybe even days :/

You can't guarantee that OG. Because here's the unspoken truth; There are tons of horde solo or duo queue players that are playing on THE CHANCE, that they WON'T see you, or Colt, or even Salad Tossers. As a person who enjoys solo queue and the pug vs pug madness, if you told me that there was no hope for me to avoid premades, other than to form my own, I just simply wouldn't queue. If the majority of other pug Horde shared the same stance I do, I could therein speculate that REM, Colt, and any other Alliance premades would be stuck queueing into Chrys and Gurtash, every. single. game.

Of course, with the occasional pug stomp here and there.

But think of it this way, if you force the Horde players avoiding you into facing you, they might just not show up. Then, you're experience goes from winning regularly to losing 0-5 to a team with... Rhox on it... Every game, or every other game.

Again, this is all speculation, and I'm not taking a stance on the pre vs pug vs dodging thing. I recognize the current situation isn't ideal for either side, and that's as far as I will go with it.
premading =/= dodgemading

I encouraged people to form groups, tryhard, and do their best to win as many games as possible. That is NOT what "Colt's Team" is doing. They are manipulating the queue system in order to only get empty games and farm free Honor.

how are people not grasping the difference between tryhard premading and dodging?

obvious bait, but...

to be clear what happened this weekend is:
1. Last Act group scouts every queue pop to make sure it's not a Horde premade
2. There have usually been 2-4 Horde Premades running at a time, and Last Act drops their queue if they get any of these groups
3. They repeat this process until they get a PuG (usually 15v5, free 5 cap, etc)

Meanwhile, my group has been consistently beating all of the Horde Premades except the "main" Gurtash/Osirus group that is a much stronger team than us in AB.

The problem is that even though my group is beating most Horde Premades, we still get crushed in Honor because we are getting dumped into all of the prem vs prem games Last Act dodges. These games take 15-20 minutes at least for us to win, and if it's Gurtash then we lose. During that time Last Act has played 2-4 free win games and gotten 4x our Honor.

So as you can see if has nothing to do with "being good." It's the simple fact that I'm unwilling to stoop to the level of literally avoiding actual PvP in order to farm ranks.

Except... you are losing to absolutely every horde premade out there.
3 simple fixes would make pvp scene 100% more enjoyable.
1. Deserter on dropping queue.
2. Fix the alt+f4 exploit
3. Add multiqueue - but ONLY for players queueing solo.

More soloplayers, more different battlegrounds and the ability to play ab/av outside of weekends. And less empty games.

I can't see a single drawback with this. And making it harder for players who arent pvpers in the first place to get pvpgear should just be counted as a bonus.

+1 to these ideas
I don't really feel it's fair to give solo qers deserter if they drop q. Alliance have pretty much instant queues, so you may end up in that rotation as horde where you get REM/LA games all the time.
Alliance does not have instant queues I can tell you that for a fact. On Monday I waited for 20 minutes in queue, solo, for arathi, nothing popped. Then I gave up on it.
I don't really feel it's fair to give solo qers deserter if they drop q. Alliance have pretty much instant queues, so you may end up in that rotation as horde where you get REM/LA games all the time.

I think it was part of the deal for it to be only for group queue.
If you queue as +6-7 on alliance, then you have instant queues, there is way more hordes than alliance queueing and at anytime there is enough alliance queued to open a game, a game will open because there will always be enough hordes in queue. Maybe except between 5-10AM server time.

If it only applies to group queue, then it is ok, although maybe change it to raid queue, if possible? Like being forced into a game because you just queue as 2-3, doesn't seem entirely fair?

Personally, I believe premading 12 hours a day is pure bullshit, personally I achieved rank 11 on retail and I would rarely ever premade and even if we did, it wouldn't be more than for a few hours tops. I would often queue with a few friends but very rarely a full premade. Ofcourse, we would often be geared enough to dominate the battleground despite only being 2-4. I know it's not exploiting but pushing honor to the absolute maximum by tryharding as much as possible to secure 6-8 min wins everytime is not what I call 'Blizzlike', this would never ever happen on retail. People played to have fun, not pushing honor to the absolute maximum.

I think it's bullshit that REMEDY whines about dodging, when they created this atmosphere where it's about pushing honor to the absolute maximum but people are only allowed to do it their way. You can either spend 30g pr. battleground or you can 'exploit' the game mechanics another way, in the end it's the same to me.
I don't play on K2 and I don't know who remedy is, however I'm very sure that if he would be gone, some1 else would take his place; push max honor and exploit the vanilla PvP system. There is always some1.

Edit: People pushed to max honor during retail vanilla, there simply weren't as many premades running at the same time (atleast where I played).
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