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    TwinStar team

Buff Naxx

But it still needs to be hard. Much harder than the current raids. If we get another faceroll LFR-difficulty raid like the Kronos version of MC, BWL, and AQ40 are, then that's going to be it for a lot of people...

LFR - Difficulty you say?

How often do you see full pug BWL and AQ40 raids?
How often do you see full pug AQ20's that aren't a waste of time wipe fest?

I've hosted many AQ20's while I was farming for the Xbow on my warrior Labias, between putting together a proper group keeping people together while filling and trying to get everyone on TeamSpeak there will still many moments I wanted to smash my screen while leading. I've hosted a lot of 20 mans every week and tried to get enough together for a full on mc/ony pug on a few occasions to tell you there will never be Naxx Pugs or at least for a extreamly long time or if they nerf the place to the ground.

I haven't been online in a while so forgive me please but I'll tell you right now there are no BWL or AQ40 pugs and half guild/pug because the guild doesn't have enough people to fill raid don't count. Even with a full guild a lot of people will tell you that any new guild going in AQ40 likely get stuck on Twins or the trash after for a few weeks at least, so stating that they're LFR - Difficulty is quite underlining. I really don't foresee any Naxx pugs ever happening other than trash farming and maybe once in a blue moon one or two boss kills once the server has been farming Naxx for at least a year+.
Just disable world buffs when zoning into Naxx, fix the remaining bugs and tune the raid blizzlike and everything will be fine.
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So there will never be any BWL PuG's when there are 2 successful ones and the only barrier keeping people from doing AQ40 pugs is pride not stopping after Fankriss and waiting for PuG's to get NR and 2 reliable warlocks?
How many of the people in BWL pugs are actually overgeared alts that are bored out of their mind and just wanna fuck around?
Does that really matter though?
Those will be the same characters going for the AQ40/Naxx if it happens.
It makes a difference if you have 10+ guilds to pick bis alts/inactives from or ~5 on horde to carry pugs through 2 year old content.
Imho some guilds will definately run through naxx like cutting butter with a hot knife, but there will also guilds who have some players with movement problems or messing up tactics. Those guilds will have it much harder than the others. Naxx is also very time intensive and I doubt a PUG will clear it within one evening. The last three BWL Pugs recorded on Realmplayers, for example, took between 66 and 81 minutes. In Naxx you will clear roughly 1-1,5 wings in that time, if the PUG is decent maybe two. And Naxx has FOUR wings, each with different preparations needed, such as the 4hm where the raid needs plenty fully geared tanks or loatheb where everyone in the raid needs at least 2, if not 3 big SR potions and lots of self healing consumables. After that come the two final bosses, which also require lots of preparation. In addition Naxx is really not as forgiving as BWL, meaning movement mistakes are punished way harder by boss mechanics than in BWL. But yeah, maybe you will prove me wrong, but I doubt Naxx will be such a piece of cake for PUGs as BWL/MC currently is, especially if you take into account that not even AQ40 (which is really not hard) is pugged due to missing gear (NR/SR) requirements.
Any instance will be PUGable given enough time and experience with it, just look at retail or other "buffed" realms.
Yeah, would not surprise me at all if after a few weeks something like that happens. Sure, not the whole instance at once, but even in Retail we had an altraid with some guilds going in and killing the easy bosses and expanding that little by little once the alts also had more gear and people were moreused to the encounters with the help ofthe mains.
LFR - Difficulty you say?

Yes, LFR, in the sense that it feels like a watered-down version of the real thing. If no buffs are applied, then that's the kind of Naxx we're going to get. Sure, there's still plenty of potential for wipes, but the same is true for most of the current 40 mans.

The reality is this: back in retail, MC was hard when it was released. BWL was hard when it was released. AQ40 was hard when it was released. Naxx was REALLY hard when it was released.

But this isn't 2004 retail WoW. This is 2017 Kronos WoW. With much greater optimization, our overall raid dps (without world buffs) is approx. 50-100% higher (depending on the guild) than it was back then. Because everything dies so fast, nothing feels difficult anymore. And if for some reason you still don't think the same will be true in Naxx, then you're going to be very disappointed when you're killing bosses without getting to experience significant phases of the fights (Heigan dance phase, Noth balcony phase, etc).

The question that you all need to ask yourself is this: Do I want to experience Naxx the way it felt when it launched back in 2006, or do I just want another raid full of loot pinatas? If you want an epic challenge, like Naxx was back in retail, and should be on Kronos, then you need to accept that some tuning adjustments MUST be made, to compensate for the difference in raid dps from back then to now.

The only challenging content in this version of the game is having to put up with the other people who play it.

No one's fault but your own if you desire some romanticised delusion of Naxxramas being the hardest most tuned raid ever created by looking at people clearing it without 10+ years of knowledge of the game to hand.

Go wipe 100+ times a night learning a boss in retail for your challenging content.

You're spending too much time into this Shard. You're asking these devs to work more on something that they are later going to revert in a couple of months. They are not even getting paid for this. Yes. The kronos devs are not getting paid for their work. Here is the reality for you. Chero will/can disable world buffs since that's easy to do. Playing with health values and so on will just take too much time.

Me personally, I would prefer to spend more time on attacking and killing bosses than clearing trash in a raid. That's just me tho.
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LUL @ everyone saying "Naxx will be faceroll" when they couldn't kill bosses in Naxx PTR with 50% damage increase on mobs and 50% damage decrease by mobs, and all consumables possible including world-buffs.

I can't speak for everyone, but our guild streamrolled Patchwerk, and we had to intentionally hold off on DPS on all of the other bosses just to make sure the mechanics / abilities worked.
I can't speak for everyone, but our guild streamrolled Patchwerk, and we had to intentionally hold off on DPS on all of the other bosses just to make sure the mechanics / abilities worked.

Of course.
Players and their pets will deal 50% more damage, including every spell and attack

It still won't be too hard with just normal damage, of course.
Everyone seems to agree the worst part of raiding is having to farm the consumables.

Why don't we just disable worldbuffs and most consumables? Force people to rely on gear, so then they ca farm parts of Naxx to progress through other parts. And there won't be the people who quit because they're sick of farming low level mobs for 10 hours a week just to have potions for one boss.
Everyone seems to agree the worst part of raiding is having to farm the consumables.

Why don't we just disable worldbuffs and most consumables? Force people to rely on gear, so then they ca farm parts of Naxx to progress through other parts. And there won't be the people who quit because they're sick of farming low level mobs for 10 hours a week just to have potions for one boss.

But if you do that, the no-lifers have no option to distinguish themselves from regular people and then they will cry, a lot.
I really have to add the following thing, which is of utter importance when we talk about the issues in this thread: Hi to everybody who clicked on the thread because there was a new post in it. Sorry but there is no significant update. I am bored.
I really have to add the following thing, which is of utter importance when we talk about the issues in this thread: Hi to everybody who clicked on the thread because there was a new post in it. Sorry but there is no significant update. I am bored.

We will take your suggestions into consideration.

I really have to add the following thing, which is of utter importance when we talk about the issues in this thread: Hi to everybody who clicked on the thread because there was a new post in it. Sorry but there is no significant update. I am bored.
We will take your suggestions into consideration.

Yay, guess it means that everything/something else in this thread have a chance to be considered too :p
@Chero: Since you obviously read this thread, could you maybe share your thoughts on your plans? It is no big secret that at least one of the options named here or none of them will be applied. How do you think about those things? What is your goal for the player experience in naxx?
We arent going to get a response, better to not say anything and cause a shitstorm

You better go back to wowserver subreddit and keep conratulating Elyshit to their "great" Naxx ^^
Your words here are nothing than thin air from now on.
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