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    TwinStar team

Current Pvp Situation and possible Solutions

No, you are repeating shit.

All I see is that Staff is bowing down to alliances crying and therefore doing the same mistakes as blizz did when they reacted to the few loudmouths and crybabies that made up only 0.1% of the entire community.

While you add it, give BoF to Shamans... EQUALITY

Sure, then give Paladins purge.
I would even trade BoF for purge haha
But then horde will get even more salty. .
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Insteed of hordies to cry rivers again, please do some screenshots and provide all the "bugged" stuff for Devs so they all can be fixed.

Did not both wagons get fixed?
Best PvP patch ever for a private server tbh, this will lead to more fair and fastpaced BGs.

You guys should be ashamed of yourself, Devs doing there best to patch bugs and yes waggon is bugged because of Kronos own LoS.

I've never even seen you in WSG, thus your opinion is irrelevant. Next time you try to climb into devs anus do it in a topic you have knowledge of.
A for effort though.
Oh so its just the gy wagon? They did remove that after TBC or something, but there are tons of other jumps that you can do, and they should stay there :p
Kronos "fix" the wagon today, bllizard even did niot change it in vanilla because its not a bug ;p

Well, it doesnt change the situation in geared premade farm horde pug in gy which is the most serious problem in Kronos PVP.
Oh so its just the gy wagon?
They put down some invisible walls in some other, for me, major glitch/jumps/bug...

I dont care when the kronos staff is fixing something but when they do it, then they have to do it just everywhere and be consistent. Well, that means setting up invisible walls everywhere which has the function like our wonderful wagon has. My opinion to this topic...

To the fence, that the devs didnt fix this in the wagon ( and other things ) serverupdate is just sad... out of this we can assume that the staff dont have the knowledge about every glitch/bug/jump in warsong, so they cant be constant in this way.
=> And thats a big problem if they start fixing things half-way.
No, you are repeating shit.

All I see is that Staff is bowing down to alliances crying and therefore doing the same mistakes as blizz did when they reacted to the few loudmouths and crybabies that made up only 0.1% of the entire community.

While you add it, give BoF to Shamans... EQUALITY

repetiton is required for those with thick skulls, who are blind to objective reasoning.

it's not 'alliance whine' because 1. I play both factions here, and have in the past. 2. you also are a tiny fraction of the community, and I'm pretty sure the community as a whole would frown on all of this. Several horde players already have. 3. I've seen the results of this behavior firsthand, it does not lead to fun BGs.

why do we play this game? to be MLG private server number one? no fool, its to have fun. if your opponents arent having fun (which they wont be, its the stupidest tactic to fight with or against, ever) eventually you will have no opponents at all. which was the case up until recently?
lose the sarcasm, try giving a shit about the livlihood of the server you worked so hard to promote.

I do agree with burn, they need more intimate knowledge of wsg terrain.
what's dissapointing is that you havent made the effort to bring it to their attention till now. so why gripe about fence when you could have earlier?
They put down some invisible walls in some other, for me, major glitch/jumps/bug...

I dont care when the kronos staff is fixing something but when they do it, then they have to do it just everywhere and be consistent. Well, that means setting up invisible walls everywhere which has the function like our wonderful wagon has. My opinion to this topic...

To the fence, that the devs didnt fix this in the wagon ( and other things ) serverupdate is just sad... out of this we can assume that the staff dont have the knowledge about every glitch/bug/jump in warsong, so they cant be constant in this way.
=> And thats a big problem if they start fixing things half-way.
First of all, QFT

Second, you cried on feenix and continued to cry here. That you now play horde is irrelevant. You point are unimaginably retarded.
Fun? So in your mind a horde group that is facing a melee heavy team which they will most likely not beat should give up on trying just because they are not allowed to use the given terrain to their advantage? Weird how this fun switches from 1 side to the other, huh?

Hey Chero, could you please fix the BG Qs so only 1 priest can join at a time. Playing vs 3 of them at the same time is really hard. Pls help. I now I can count on you.

inb4 For premade games: Full turtle on both sides on roof. This will be so much better, I guarantee it.
so why gripe about fence when you could have earlier?

I gripe about it now because they fix things only on horde side. I adapt to the warsong jumps/bugs some months maybe a year ago, what you guys should do as well.
I didnt bring the effort because it isnt necessary to do it, the hordes have their little things and the alliances do have them, so why should i complain when its literally balanced.

So to your questing: for now its just unfair tbh... they only fix things on horde side because alliances bring/whine it more to attention
=> Devs arent objective and consistent in the warsong scene.
They put down some invisible walls in some other, for me, major glitch/jumps/bug...

I dont care when the kronos staff is fixing something but when they do it, then they have to do it just everywhere and be consistent. Well, that means setting up invisible walls everywhere which has the function like our wonderful wagon has. My opinion to this topic...

To the fence, that the devs didnt fix this in the wagon ( and other things ) serverupdate is just sad... out of this we can assume that the staff dont have the knowledge about every glitch/bug/jump in warsong, so they cant be constant in this way.
=> And thats a big problem if they start fixing things half-way.

Still you dont post any screens to help devs? You are a ******* joke tbh like 90% of hordes playing PvP.

Insteed of cry 24/7 please provide some helping hands... But i guess its to ***** hard for small minded people like you.
It is amazing that you dont get why it was fixed.

We all know hordies will have even harder to win without bugged tactics on Kronos now, but wtf get a grip.
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Are you seriously this dense? Read above.
Chero chose to break vanilla content cause some guys where unhappy with it, but he didn't take his time to think this through or ASK players with vast knowledge of jumps and bugs (including me which he is fully aware of).

Too bad Zarquon is on vacation right now, I am positive that this wouldn't have happened when he was arround.

Edit: At first I really though you were just a bad troll. Right now I am not sure anymore if its naivity or stupidity.
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liqorize, pls shut up...
i didnt need to help the devs because there was NOTHING which needed to be corrected or fixed... the allies just cry all over the forum and chero fixed it for an unknowable reason...
p.s. there isnt anything bugged in warsong, ITS JUST AN OBJECT ffs
Are you seriously this dense? Read above.
Chero chose to break vanilla content cause some guys where unhappy with it, but he didn't take his time to think this through or ASK players with vast knowledge of jumps and bugs (including me which he is fully aware of).

Too bad Zarquon is on vacation right now, I am positive that this wouldn't have happened when he was arround.

Edit: At first I really though you were just a bad troll. Right now I am not sure anymore if its naivity or stupidity.

Have you contacted Chero yet to provide these other jumps?
I guess not, insteed of whining here get on IRC and provide him with pictures and info.

Or even better, post them here insteed of complaining like kiddies all the time.

And to you Burnx, you still dont get it, you know that Kronos dont run Vanilla LoS right? or havent you seen that either? this makes the waggon a big problem, jeesus you are like a kid.
Then they should fix the fcking LoS and not fixing things which dont need to be fixed, its really easy. I guess you maybe dont want to get it or you are just stupid like lharts said
Then they should fix the fcking LoS and not fixing things which dont need to be fixed, its really easy. I guess you maybe dont want to get it or you are just stupid like lharts said

The LoS is perfect and work as intended, this is why Chero fixed the waggons.
I hope you get that, if you dont you are the dumbass.

Its funny that only Arcanum members complains about this anti-abuse fix.
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i wonder why )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Someone told me the fence was blocked aswell on the spot were only some femla chars could jump thrue, so i guess they fixed both sides )))))))))))
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its ok man^^ dont want to discuss anymore here, i just want to say that chero has done some big fails...
he just get influenced to much from some people here and he should get some objectivity in his kind of fixing, right now chero, you made everything perfect
for alliance
its ok man^^ dont want to discuss anymore here, i just want to say that chero has done some big fails...
he just get influenced to much from some people here and he should get some objectivity in his kind of fixing, right now chero, you made everything perfect
for alliance

You live in denial, he did fix the fence on ally side but you said it was not fixed.

"Someone told me the fence was blocked aswell on the spot were only some femla chars could jump thrue, so i guess they fixed both sides )))))))))))"
The LoS is perfect and work as intended, this is why Chero fixed the waggons.
I hope you get that, if you dont you are the dumbass.

Its not. I played alot of mage in Classic WoW and also in PvP (means world pvp, not instanced shit). I never saw anyone was able to break LoS with trees which are even smaller then the player. But sure, you can cast throught huge walls.

On Feenix an Warrior wasted one magic dust to sleep me, I walked around a little tree by default and it cancled. Also very fail (tbh, feenix LoS is even worse).

Its funny that only Arcanum members complains about this anti-abuse fix.
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i wonder why )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I need to be honest again. That ally fence bug is incredible stupid. There where around 3-4 spots which can be passed by riding with epic mount throught it.

Wagon just 'disable' melees for a short duration of time but when u walk throught the fence, escpecially in the middle, which provides you alot more save time, then a little high ground advantage. ALSO your enemys probably are not able to mount and follow you

Someone told me the fence was blocked aswell on the spot were only some femla chars could jump thrue, so i guess they fixed both sides )))))))))))

bug is still present

I dont understand all the QQ on both sides,
which glitch or terrain got fixed actually? everything still working on both sides i saw so far - jumping on the wagon is a little bit more difficult now. Like i said, not the most successfull update, nobody is perfect - shit happens.
EDIT: asked arround and figure out: fence, portal-jumps are not working anymore not sure about wagons in midfield

There was never a proof that blizzard didnt fix things because it was intended - but what happend is that they remove the wagon, so something was wrong with it even in their opinion - TBC was the best addon and imo equal with vanilla so i think blizzard was able to think about it a long time and decided to remove it for the right reasons. BUT thats not the point.

Without offense, if you guys just play horde and vanilla because of the wagon-jump, you shouldnt argue here because your vanillapassion isnt worth to read your comments then!

Back to topic for a solution on both sides:

1. Both bases should be equal, no jump&run adventures (not up to the entrance portal, no wagon, no fence, not on the wall of the building. (BASE = fence and everything behind the fence and the invisible lines to east and west)

2. Midfield (tunnel entrance is not behind the fence! --> midfield) should be still available for jumps&runs (several trees, tunnel roofs) - and yea the wagons in the midfield should be fixed aswell so NO model can run under it.

3. Gy-jumps might be a new discussion since one of them is kind of behind the drawn line of the fence.

Chero did the right thing, stop blaming him for beeing influenced because you guys dont like it.

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Sorry people but Liqorice is right, the LOS mechanic works great.
But at some places (like waggon) its glitched, so ofc they remove it instead of reWorking the whole "LOS" system.

If people cant take this, then just . . leave!

Go play AB!

The LOS system is sups to be "ARENA-LIKE".
Go around 1 object and its LOS, even if its just a small tree or even a pole.
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Haha, guys, serious?

First of all, I've read 10 pages of how gnomes under wagon are deadly, how Horde that, how Alliance that...

After few attempts to remove these unfairnesses from Warsong Gulch, you complain again. We focused on glitches that can gain serious advantage or only benefits some races.

Burnx, sorry, how do you demand all glitches to be fixed, while you don't offer any help? We don't know about every terrain glitch and this is the place you could help at, obviously you don't want to. Ofcourse I cannot ask you to help us, but then don't act like you did not care before and now you are going mad about that.

Also, I would like you to stop with insulting other forum members. You won't achieve anything with your arrogant behavior.
Just FYI, we plan to remove lag-macro abuse from the game as well. In my opinion, doing PvP with these "benefits" does not make you a good player as well as using other game glitches that are not intended to work like they do. Don't even try to say that "hey, it was like that on retail!".

Such glitches make 10 people mad and only you happy - contra productive in PvP, even worse in current PvP balance.

We want to meet wishes of as many players as possible within the scope of common sense.
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Just FYI, we plan to remove lag-macro abuse from the game as well. In my opinion, doing PvP with these "benefits" does not make you a good player as well as using other game glitches that are not intended to work like they do. Don't even try to say that "hey, it was like that on retail!".

I dont know of anyone on horde using "lag macro", and certainly nobody in <Arcanum> uses it.

// EDIT Chero: I do ^^
When you as developer design a pvp map, you balance faction oposing zones and if some user find outs any new path or exploitable decoration objects to get advantage of the enemy faction that was not intended and breaks map balance you hotfix it! if you really care about your game.
Going to gy/balcony/roof is using terrain advantage, going to not intended jumppuzzle spots is abusing.
If you find or know anymore report it so they wil be fixed, dont encorage oposing faction to learn to exploit and use them since you use your own spots.

Also over the course of this thread the wagon was accesible according to people posting and defending it by the use of speed increasing "buffs" from pots/shapeshift/mount/sprint then it changed to you need a pally "Bof" and lastly to an "easy spot".

And please dont ask for BOf to shamans/purge on pallys or a maximun of 1 priest each bg... i have no words for these comentaries.

Edit: Also roof vs roof are more intense and teambased fight that roof vs wagon Flagcarriers/healers.
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I tested the east wagon in mf, it seems to be blocked.

HWe focused on glitches that can gain serious advantage or only benefits some races.

That sounds fair and awesome, thought you were removing all jumps and tricks ^^
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Just FYI, we plan to remove lag-macro abuse from the game as well.

Thank you so very, very much for attempting a remedy for this. I've witnessed it used here both in WSG as well as in front of Orgrimmar during duels, and I've ran into it once with a gank attempt in STV. My target was moving around with no stutters and fluid movement, killing NPC beasts without issues... I go to attack, and it's suddenly a warp-fest where my target runs in place for 4 full seconds and then is suddenly at the extreme range of my Mini Map (track humanoids).

After that I trigger my vid recording for each gank encounter in case it happened again. Your plan to put something in to counter it is like a wish coming true.
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