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    TwinStar team

Information Kronos United

Huge gratitude and appreciation to Chero and everyone else on the team. You all are the absolute best. Thank you for all your hard work!
Thanks for letting us know. I still see major question not answered... Where will new server be located?

I have been missing the game, not able to play for 5 days sucks! I just hit lvl 50 after about 5 weeks of playtime. I wanna hit 60 in vanilla already!! I only managed to get 34 on nost before it was shut down.

I will be anxiously waiting for Kronos 1 to get back online :)

PS: I would buy stars to donate but for the life of me I can not find where to buy them on the website!
Keep up the hard work Kronos team we are all counting on you! We love that you clearly devoted to solving this problem and we stand with you!
kronos team all the best don't let some chinese frustrated gold seller harm the greatness of this server!!!! we are all on your side keep it up you are doing an epic work!!!!
Thank you for all this hard work and dedication, together as a community we will remain strong and unfazed and make you and the other staff of Kronos as proud as can be!
I am new to this server. And I am SO impressed by this show of strength.

DO NOT back down from these cowards.

United we stand!

I've been playing on a different server during the downtime, but I can assure you as soon as Kronos is up and running I'll be back. The only thing this other server has taught me is to appreciate how well coded and smooth things are here at Kronos. I'm very glad to have found this place :)
Thank you for all your passion and amazing work.

See you when the servers are back up
Thank you Kronos, you're doing an amazing job.

"..To the ends of the earth!" - Arthas
Nostalrius falls, now Blackwing Lair gets released on Kronos and this happens.

This is why we can't have nice things... As long as despicable people exist who have fun by ruining that of others. I bet one of them is reading this thread right now and is saying "haaa, the tears are so delicious" - man, you're pathetic, really... And the worst thing is that you don't realize it. You're just reading this thread, telling yourself "look how good I am and what I managed to do". So what? What did you gain from it? Nothing...
I have over the days tried out other private servers, like Vanillagaming, Retrowow, Stormrage-wow and Rebirth-wow. I had hopes for all of them but in the end they all suck. They have buggs some less and some MAJOR like invis zeppelins, instaces being extremly bad scripted and pay to win systems, it also has lagg issues, bad communication and from my perspective they all suffer with a bad community.

Kronos you are the best, and i can't wait untill i can log in and play again. One love!
Thank you for the update and all that you do, well as working so diligently to win this battle. It's indeed worth the wait.
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