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    TwinStar team

Nostalrius closes, Kronos 2 opens


New Member
Apr 7, 2016
Make a brand new server on Kronos, no transfers, no bullshit 7x exp events, no 60000 lvl 60s.

Brand new - you have 25.000+ players wanting to join. This is what the people want.
Make a brand new server on Kronos, no transfers, no bullshit 7x exp events, no 60000 lvl 60s.

Brand new - you have 25.000+ players wanting to join. This is what the people want.

And you really think that 2 realms are sufficient for that amount of players? I guess we'd need like 6 or more realms to handle that. The amount of players on Nost PvP was just horrific
Nostalrius got too big. Attracted too much attention. Blizzard noticed and reacted

Kronos should not let the entire Nostalrius population create accounts here imo.
Any plans for a PvE server?

I know i'm going to be ripped a new one by the PvP fans, but any plans for a PvE server? I like to PvP on the battlegrounds, but ganking doesn't appeal to me at all as I like to relax while questing and I don't enjoy annoying people. Maybe you could make a PvE server? It would take some of the load off your main server.
Re: Any plans for a PvE server?

As it seems they havent announce any other idea on whats going to happen. Nolst incident was immidiate and they saw it coming last night, i guess they working on many solutions so they can satisfy the community and also keep server stable.
Open up second server with cross-realm BG

Open up second server with cross-realm BG
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Possibility of adding a 2nd Vanilla server?

With the recent events, many many MANY thousands of Vanilla players now seeking a new home, it seems like this would be the perfect time to launch a fresh start server.
How to perfect migrate all the new Nostalrius Player !

Heelllooooooooooooooooo KRONOS !

Im one of the refuges from Nostalrius !
Pls make fast a new server with the now free database from the Nostalrius server, so all players can use there old accounts here on a fresh new server...

kkthxbyb <3
Re: Possibility of adding a 2nd Vanilla server?

I would actually like a fresh server, the one where all the new players can go to for a new start. With the end of Nost, it's not like Kronos wouldn't be able to fill a second server :biggrin:
Re: Possibility of adding a 2nd Vanilla server?

I wonder how long it will be before all these threads stop getting created.
Re: Possibility of adding a 2nd Vanilla server?

I wonder how long it will be before all these threads stop getting created.

They will only become more frequent. As more and more Nost refugees flock here, and the server reaches a breaking point.
Wow, Hogger is back. How was your year? Haven't seen ya on forums since 03.2015... Were you even playing?

Ah, on topic: yea, open Kronos PvE if you have money for it. Or Kronos x2 or whatever.
Ha yea I was playing off and on. Since the whole Nostalrius fiasco, I've become active on a lot of forums. Mainly just venting my hatred of Blizzard... and my fear that no server is safe. Hopefully I'm wrong, and Kronos won't become another victim of Blizzard's greed.
First of all Nostalrius was shut down due to its large population and how many used twitch streaming. Blizzard did some investigation after being poked enough regarding the matter. Blizzard does not just simply shut down out of envy or greed as you see servers running the live version yet no actions on blizzards behalf as they do not attract too much attention nor are they a size they could worry getting out of hand.

IF Kronos where to add a second server that would only add to a chance getting Kronos shut down, population merge/jump usually drops to a stable amount over time when a server is shut down as many who reached 60 once have lost the energy to reach 60 once more or think they can but give up halfway through.

I know this is harsh but i think Kronos does well with what it has and Twinstar has other servers with TBC for example which is not an unpopular expansion either.

Now all that said and done i know they are doing what they can increasing capacity & stability as they are a crew focusing on quality but please do not squander their work saying it is not enough and you want more. If the server has too much population 3-6 month's from now i am certain they will give thought to it but to decide on such due to sudden merge and since the server they came from got shutdown for growing too large i would not recommend it.

note: it is highly unlikely that blizzard will move against Kronos unless people advertise Kronos too much as their intention was the creation of "fear" to calm the masses playing private as they advertised far too much on twitch with streams as i mentioned which. It is against twitch policy to stream from private server so i am fairly certain the ban originated from there then they went to investigate and pop was too high or people thought blizz where in charge and made complaints to GM's about bugs on server XD
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Possible second server?

I know that you are working on optimizations, but current population have its drawbacks and some game features became.. well.. unsatisfying.

I don't know how many players we have now during peak times, but i suggest to place players cap to 3000 and open second server with free transfers for some time. It would help to reduce server workload, enable you to increase draw distance to blizzlike range once again and overall reduce server issues.
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