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    TwinStar team

Nostalrius closes, Kronos 2 opens

Even a PvE realm has its contested zones where you can be killed so you would still experience it although slightly less common, World pvp is part of the vanilla experience and it allows you to interfere with another player should you either seek what he is looting/killing or just have a laugh :lol:

I understand you however all during a gank feel demotivated or annoyed but as said it is a part of the experience. Later expansions increased the amount of safe zones on PVE realms but in vanilla it would only make a few zones non-contested.

note: make strong friends who can chase the ganker away, if you get 2-3 friends showing up same time the ganker will flee in most situation seeking new gank zone.

It has contested zones yes, but you have to flag or attack an npc or another flagged player and become flagged in order for someone to kill you, so you have a choice of being ganked or not. It wouldn't stop high levels from killing your quest givers though
Re: Possibility of adding a 2nd Vanilla server?


- - - Updated - - -

very low pop here, why u need another realm ?

Very low, are you serious ? go to elwynn forest and see if realy have low pop, you cant encounter no one mob alive because its overpopulated -.-"
Then vanilla is not a game for you :)

Not sure if it is your joke or not, but it reminds me some posts on official Blizzard forums when it comes to possibility to open vanilla realms. "World of Warcraft is what is on official servers now, so many improvements since vanilla times, if you do not like it may be you should not play it?"

Just in case, I really do know better which games to play. I would not explain here why I prefer PVE over PVP for two reasons. First is that once you know which games are for me and which are not, chances are that your know these reasons even better than me. More important is that I do not want to agitate anyone against PVP. You like playing on PVP realm? It's good you have an opportunity to do it.

I also have a character here, but as soon as I have a PVE alternative I'll switch to PVE. I just hope this PVE realm I'll switch to will be here on Kronos.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

In Counter Strike you should aim for the head, because headshots can instantly kill the other player. Adjusting your aim slightly by moving your mouse down a little will help with the weapon's recoil pattern, making your shots actually hit where you are aiming.


You are comparing a fps with a mmorpg, ofcourse that cs you have game mechanics that need calculation or tactic -jenious but in wow while you are questing you just need to target and attack, and i just want to play, i dont want to see "HOW, WHEN AND WHERE YOUNG WOLF SPAWN", and i don say that cuz im a casual, because im not, i like the challenge thath vanilla wow offers me.

I started two days after Nostalrius were announced dead.
We had queue times up to 1500 people, and in the starting zones there were so many people - alot of them were stacked up on eachother when your character is created.
The first 1-6 levels was abysmal, specially quests were you needed to loot an item from the ground and only one person could loot it at a time.

However, when i got to Dun Morogh things were already going better. Far less people around, and i was able to do 6-10 much faster than 1-6. I then did some of the easiest quests in Loch Modan, then immediatly went to Darkshore (through Loch Modan -> Wetlands -> Menethil Harbour -> Darkshore).
Still, alot of people were around but not nearly as many as i would have thought.

I also went to the human starting zone just to be able to compare, and it were total chaos. Fargodeep mine had about 50-70 players just inside the cave. As a mage i just ran around spam-hitting tab+fireblast, and it took me about 40-50min to kill 12 mobs. Conclusion: Human starting zone is not recommended.

You have a couple of options;
Either get through the most crowded beginner zones (1-10), then move on to Darkshore/Night elf zone. Or, wait a few days/a week and start out then. Most of the players will then be level 20+ .
There's been a big wave of new players and most of them are now level 20-30+, seems alot of people were waiting for PlayTBC that recently got postponed until May so there seems to be another wave of players in these days.

I had a couple of friends who were lucky and created a character only a few minutes after Nostalrius shutdown was announced. They quickly got to level 15-20 and since then havn't had any problems with crowded zones, because they have always been riding in front of the big crowded leveling waves. (For comparison, when they did STV they barely met other characters at all).

Ok thank you for the tips, i've tried making a dwarf but in dun morogh is almost like in elwynn forest =/ i think ill wait a few days before trying to play again, thx =D
Dear Chero,

Please start crowdfunding the hardware you need to split Kronos into 2 realms ASAP.


Yeah I wouldnt mind a second server at all. I rolled on Kronos for the absolute crisp latency and quality not quantity that it used to provide. Right now its a kind of sad mess with the lag compared to what it used to be.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

You are comparing a fps with a mmorpg, ofcourse that cs you have game mechanics that need calculation or tactic -jenious but in wow while you are questing you just need to target and attack, and i just want to play, i dont want to see "HOW, WHEN AND WHERE YOUNG WOLF SPAWN", and i don say that cuz im a casual, because im not, i like the challenge thath vanilla wow offers me.

Breaking news for you, wow is filled with the need for calculation and tactics. Perhaps it is your first time playing? Both in PvE and in PvP, you will be required to keep track of either player skills, player mana, boss skills or other factors for a given raid. Even in dungeons like Scholomance, you cannot just blindly charge through the middle of the room, because you will die. You have to proceed in a specific manner.

The levelling experience is super easy to handle and the fight for quest mobs is only preparing you for a later experience. The difference is that here, if you fail, you don't get penalized. If you fail in a raid, you might kill 40 people. If you cannot handle it at this stage, consider playing another game.
Please open a new realm and start from the bottom, with a calculated timeline. You already have all the content ready.

It would perhaps also satisfy both the Kronos players, who don't want it too crowded.- And the Nostalrius players who don't want to start from the bottom on a realm where AQ is about to open.

Most people I've played with on Nostalrius mentions the timeline on the current realm, and the recent 7x event as the biggest reasons as to why they aren't joining your server.

These 1-2k queues are ridiculous.. especially when you just get a random DC or game crash, having to wait 30 minutes to come back in

Edit: I wouldn't mind donating for some of the hardware costs
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Adding a new server(realm)

If you can't increase population cap(right now there is more then 1.5k ppl waiting in que) and it will get even worse by every minute,have you thought about opening another server or increasing population cap for this one?
Re: Adding a new server(realm)

I'm 1832th (edited)

A lot of people would like a pve server, if I look at the Nostalrius PVE server, which was packed too.

There will be 2 problems though. Players are already playing on the pvp server, and I don't know of they would stop leveling and start over once again to play on the pve server. And a second problem: money. Second server will be costing more money.

My character is only lvl 17 so I don't have to think about it for a long time.
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Re: Adding a new server(realm)

No, they didnt think about it, really thanks for bringing that up.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

The levelling experience is super easy to handle and the fight for quest mobs is only preparing you for a later experience. The difference is that here, if you fail, you don't get penalized. If you fail in a raid, you might kill 40 people. If you cannot handle it at this stage, consider playing another game.

Levelling on overcrowded server as a self-test for ability to raid in future - bravo, Psojed!
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

please don't split the community. maybe a pve server. i really think this is a temporary rush
Is there talk of adding another realm or some shizonday? I just waited 45 minutes in que then got immediately disconnected. I'm not knocking this company by any means I love what they do but I just can't play, jafeel?
If you're not regular IRC-goers:

[17:22] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> priority is to fix the queue now
[17:22] * Chizzum^ ([email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout: 180 seconds )
[17:22] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> I mean to make it smaller ;)
[17:22] <Vaith> alrighty
[17:23] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> its 3.6k now
[17:23] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> ...
[17:23] <Won> I think will hit 4k :D
[17:23] <EinBaum> awesome that this is priority btw
[17:23] <EinBaum> I appreciate it
[17:24] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> Ye, new realm comin soon
[17:24] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> with progressive content
[17:24] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> stay tuned

[17:24] <EinBaum> But do you have plans to increase Kronos' player limits or just make a new realm?
[17:25] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> We can increase limits anytime, but it will be against the enjoyment of current Vanilla
[17:25] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> so no
[17:25] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> limits will be even more decresed
[17:25] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> as the new realm launches
[17:25] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> We care about quality, not quantity
[17:26] <EinBaum> Too bad, I know many people are saying that they like lower population server but I personally like it when there are more players
[17:26] <EinBaum> It's more quality for me: I care about the interaction. And also world pvp
[17:26] <EinBaum> for me that's quality
[17:26] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> oh
[17:26] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> well, then you have no idea what are you talkin about
[17:26] <EinBaum> lol
[17:26] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> and the new realm will be as full as kronos pvp
[17:26] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> so no worries
[17:27] <whitekidney__> vanilla was never designed to handle the stupid amount of people that nost had and now kronos has
[17:27] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> yup
[17:27] <whitekidney__> both realms will be enjoyable, do not worry
[17:27] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> explain it ti Mr. Baum :)
[17:27] <EinBaum> I know, but I like it that way
[17:27] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> feel free to wait in queue
[17:27] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> its your decision
[17:27] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> we are not forcing anyone to anything
[17:28] <Won> will it be PvE or PvP?
[17:28] <&Jeniczek|AllAround> PvE
Great news about the new realm.

My only concern is that what happened to Nostalrius might happen here. They opened a second PvE server which had a low population while the old one continued to experience population problems (e.g. 12K on PvP and like 1.5K on PvE). My suggestion is that there's either 1) an option to transfer your character from the current Kronos or 2) opening a new PvP realm so that it doesn't matter which one you're playing on. In general people seem to prefer PvP, as evidenced with Nostalrius' second server, and this should be kept in mind.
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