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    TwinStar team

Nostalrius closes, Kronos 2 opens

Re: Possible second server?

I don't know how many players we have now during peak times, but i suggest to place players cap to 3000 and open second server with free transfers for some time.

I thought that this would happen but I'm not sure if there is huge enough GM team to handle that and also some other resources like HW and stuff...so we can only hope and wait for some announcement

Perhaps we should wait for VPN/Proxy ban update and get rid of chinese gold sellers and then it would be much easier for GMs to handle two realms.
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I thought about that and I think that with more players incoming, also more people willing to do GMs will show up. The problem is in game design as Vanilla world is not supposed to be crowded with more than ~3000 players at the same time and so another server would be good solution.

But I hope that Kronos staff people are reasonable and so they will not let Kronos turn into Nost v2.
Im from Nostalrius thing, and funniest thing that in elwyn forest i met guy i play with in Nostalrius, well, maybe im noob but i dont see any difference, thank admins for working on this server, you deserved new online <3
Honestly, considering that :

a) The main realm is now so overpopulated it has to endure reduced draw distance, mostly disabled /who command, and a leveling experience which borders on the ridiculous, with whole quest zones filled with more players than mobs and those being hunters in seconds after their respawn

b) There is only a PvP server.

I find the idea of opening an additionnal PvE server would actually be a very good idea. Would lessen the overcrowding and allows for people who don't like PvP to find a server better suited.
I understand that people were against it when the community was small enough that splitting it would have been detrimental, but today it's rather the opposite considering the overpopulation.
PvE Realm?

It's been a while, played here some months back. Would it be possible to have a PvE realm? Kinda bored of being ganked, and with the player influx I expect heavy corpse camping in the near future.

Re: PvE Realm?

would like a pve server too, but let me give you some answers you will hear bcus of this question.

"lol scrub get gud"
"do something different for 10 minutes"
"no this is pvp its your own fault for starting here"
"splitting the playerbase is bad idea"

i know ur pain like 2 days ago alliance lvl 60 players were camping stonetalon for like 8 hours straight without a break.
Re: PvE Realm?

2nd server would be a good thing, and it would be natural to make it pve

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note: it is highly unlikely that blizzard will move against Kronos unless people advertise Kronos too much as their intention was the creation of "fear" to calm the masses playing private as they advertised far too much on twitch with streams as i mentioned which. It is against twitch policy to stream from private server so i am fairly certain the ban originated from there then they went to investigate and pop was too high or people thought blizz where in charge and made complaints to GM's about bugs on server XD

I just want to remind you, that about 1 year ago Bilzz forced down WoWAscention private server. Was it advertised too much? It's max online was about 50 people per each fraction, I got into it only because it was the only Blizz-like pve server at the moment. It was mentioned on several web sites, always together with Kronos, Nost and others.

Your hypothesis that Blizzards found out about Nostalrius accidentally (like omg, know what I found today? Private server with thousands people on it! Let's stop them!) is kind of ridiculous. I would believe it only if it turns out that all the Blizzard staff was banned from Google since 2014. Of course they knew about Nostalrius and of course they know everything about Kronos. How they decide which server to stop and when is a mystery.

btw, how can I "give +1" to some post? Can not find the button on interface. Nothing about it in FAQ either.
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btw, how can I "give +1" to some post? Can not find the button on interface. Nothing about it in FAQ either.
I think you will have to link your game account with forum account in account manager (login on main site).
I for one would be in favor of a PvE server, with the war effort at 0% so we all get to start again, I don't know about you, but if you're alliance, then you've probably been to Redridge, the amount of gankers there makes leveling harder, and for those people that don't want to go through multiple ganks to get quests done, a PvE server would satisfy their needs, and it's likely that a large majority of the PvP server will go to the PvE one so they can have fun leveling, which in turn would take a bit of lag off of the PvP server and somewhat balance the playerbase between the two. (Also from a fellow Nostalrian, most of us aren't used to PvP servers and are still getting adjusted to it.).
Nostalrius got too big. Attracted too much attention. Blizzard noticed and reacted

Kronos should not let the entire Nostalrius population create accounts here imo.

i will build a wall and i will make them pay for it !

vote gralad for your next chieftain.
i will build a wall and i will make them pay for it !

vote gralad for your next chieftain.
Sorry but i will be voting Sylvanas for next chieftain if they should ever change during this timeless perfect state :wink:

note: and for the record i actually like most of these Nost players sadly it is only natural some will be trolls or toxic but many of them are open minded. Blizzard did what they had to and Nost was located in France so all it took was a mail while Kronos is located in pirate loving sweden.
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It's really a pain to play right now - leveling is a nightmare of overfarming and overcrowding, and even after leveling you're hit by restrictions so the server can endure the load. Could we know if the staff is at least considering this ? :-/
my experience so far..

i have to say i am impressed with the quality of the server but sad to say i wont be playing here at this time do to the massive overcrowding. and i get it nostalrius shut down and this is the result but the devs should realy look into a second server it took me 1 hour 30 min last night to go from level 7 to level 8 because i had to farm an area for 20 min and compete for kills to finish a quest that is just too much for me i dont have that kind of time to invest. it is actualy more overcrowded here than nost was when i made a toon in july of 2015.

Seriously you guys really need to add a PVE server.


I would love to transfer my Character from the PVP Server to a PVE Server.
Re: PLEASE add a PVE Server PLEASE

Seriously you guys really need to add a PVE server.


I would love to transfer my Character from the PVP Server to a PVE Server.


Sure it wouldn't be the be all and end all solution, as only a part of Kronos current player base would be drawn to it, but it could help absorb the wave of newcomers quite a bit. Not only do we have to deal with Nost refugees, the whole shutdown matter has brought the general awareness of the private scene to a new level, and the uncalled for publicity has worsen the overall situation like never before. Wandering the Internet I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people claiming they never tried a private realm, yet this Nost thing has tickled and awakened their lust for vanilla.

Again, though, a PvE realm is more of a mid/long-term solution. A Kronos twin is probably needed as much in the short run. I don't know, since account IDs have a progressive number, it could be used as a parameter to tell the Nost player base from the older Kronos membership and move them all at once to this new realm.

More ideas?
Re: PvE Realm?

+1 to PvE server. The publicity was what brought me here and I'm mostly loving it, but the ganks I could do without. I can't seem to find any other vanilla PvE server either.
Re: PvE Realm?

I am also into the idea of adding a new server, PvE it should be.
The Vanilla private server scene is crowded with PvP servers for whatever reason. Kronos-PvE would not only be one of a few PvE servers, it would be a very well scripted one as well! Don't forget that this is a rare jewel in the scene.
And if what Aurigon says is true, that the interest in private servers increased due to the latest happenings, I don't think we would lack population.

All in all, +1 for a new PvE server.
I agree, with the shutdown of Nost; and the recent flop of PlayTBC; I hope they already have another realm launch scheduled, a second PVP realm or a PVE realm, I don't care.
I wanna add my support to a Kronos PvE server. My guild is looking for a new home, but there really aren't that many PvE private servers out there. Would be great to see such a high quality scripted PvE server :D
This server is OVER CROWDED

I've started as human, tried to kill the wolfs and kobolds but could not find one single mob alive, there's ALOT of players, please make the mobs respawn faster or make a new one server because this is impossible to play and progress :angry:

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