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    TwinStar team

Nostalrius closes, Kronos 2 opens

Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

I would <3 an increase in spawn rates in high density areas.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

This is nothing compared to what people experienced a year ago. You will have issues with certain camps being cleared all the time.

I was farming in STV for my Warrior Axe quest for husk. Mobs where being killed as they spawned and I quickly learned the spawn rotation points. I grind for an hour, log off come back 5 hours later, and the same mob respawn rotation was there (give or take 2 mobs) which means for 6 hours straight at least people were then killing them as they pop.

If you encounter this you have two options:

1#: Forget questing and grind. This is who things were done back in the day as you didn't have quest knowledge and the Thottbot database that was used back then was very "Green" and lacking information.

2#: Pay attention to where things pop, and keep an eye on that "timer reset mob".
example: I kill a bird near a rock. I then start watching other people kill and take note of what order and where. I do this while trying to get a mob tag, while monitoring my reset mob spot. As soon as I see that bird spawn, I know when and wear the next sets of mobs will be. You can then focus on mob tagging in those spots.

If somebody keys in on you doing this, and try to stack on you, fake them out and stack in incorrect areas and then range tag the mob that spawns.

It gets better after the newbie area, but not much, till you get to the 20s.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

This is nothing compared to what people experienced a year ago. You will have issues with certain camps being cleared all the time.

I was farming in STV for my Warrior Axe quest for husk. Mobs where being killed as they spawned and I quickly learned the spawn rotation points. I grind for an hour, log off come back 5 hours later, and the same mob respawn rotation was there (give or take 2 mobs) which means for 6 hours straight at least people were then killing them as they pop.

If you encounter this you have two options:

1#: Forget questing and grind. This is who things were done back in the day as you didn't have quest knowledge and the Thottbot database that was used back then was very "Green" and lacking information.

2#: Pay attention to where things pop, and keep an eye on that "timer reset mob".
example: I kill a bird near a rock. I then start watching other people kill and take note of what order and where. I do this while trying to get a mob tag, while monitoring my reset mob spot. As soon as I see that bird spawn, I know when and wear the next sets of mobs will be. You can then focus on mob tagging in those spots.

If somebody keys in on you doing this, and try to stack on you, fake them out and stack in incorrect areas and then range tag the mob that spawns.

It gets better after the newbie area, but not much, till you get to the 20s.

All this work to just play ? nah i just want to play and relax, this is to hard working.

But thanks for the tips =)
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Find a corner of the zone and grind away from the normal quest mobs. Beginner zone, many people doing the quest, ignore the quest.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Your concerns have been acknowledged. We will dispatch a doomguard eradication corps to take care of this problem as soon as possible.

Please understand that 42h from now, I'll have a raid.
The last time I sent a troop, my character was banned for 24h.
Repeated offence leads to harsher punishment. I predict a 72h ban for the next time.
Thus the earliest I can send the troop will be on 24.04.2016.

Are these conditions favorable: Y/N?
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

The Human starter zone is the worst possible place to begin (similar to the Undead zone). I'd try Dun Morogh since it's usually less-crowded, or ask a mage in chat for a portal to Darnassus. You will get exploration exp as well, which is nice.

Kronos launch day over 1 year ago had this problem, and to fix it, the developers increased the spawn rates to exorbitant times (near-instant). The result was mobs spawning out of thin air just as someone killed one, usually resulting in your death. I don't know if this is still the case since I haven't made a new char in over a month though.

Just need some patience. Vanilla is all about patience. Do some professions to pass the time, go to Stormwind and do the wine quest or tram quest. Maybe hike over to Westfall and get the FP early. There is a lot to do, even if you have done it all a trillion times before, it will be worth it in the long run.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Thanks but i do not want to grind or level up by other alternative way, i just want to quest just like was in classic wow, if the server is SO MUCH CROWDED and the staff dont care about making a second one i think im going to another server, because i wasted fucking 10 minutes doing the wolf quest that i would waste only 2 minutes, because every wolf is dead and when i find one a mage steal it.

- - - Updated - - -

Your concerns have been acknowledged. We will dispatch a doomguard eradication corps to take care of this problem as soon as possible.

Please understand that 42h from now, I'll have a raid.
The last time I sent a troop, my character was banned for 24h.
Repeated offence leads to harsher punishment. I predict a 72h ban for the next time.
Thus the earliest I can send the troop will be on 24.04.2016.

Are these conditions favorable: Y/N?

Just make another server and we are fine =)
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Actually, I'm inclined to disagree. I started an Undead Priest this past weekend...and sure, the starting quests are frustrating...but once you enter the larger world it becomes less problematic. I actually rather like the surge in population...it's the whole reason I finally started playing on this server. I've had Kronos installed on my machine for roughly 6 months...but there was just not a large enough community for me to want to invest time in it, no matter how good the scripting might be (and it is quite good). I don't think spawn rates are the problem; rather, it's the zerg rush that you've found yourself caught up in as thousands of new players try to level at the same time. But on the bright side, I have yet to have a problem finding a willing group to help tackle the more difficult challenges. I personally think the spawn-rates are just fine.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Then vanilla is not a game for you :)

you are completely wrong, Vanilla is the game for me, im patience when needed to level up, i like the vanilla way of challenge, but do ALL THAT WORK to just complete the first quest on the game ? nah this is ridiculous.

- - - Updated - - -

Filthy casual. /spit

Filthy ignorant

Im not a casual man i like the vanilla way and the challenge, but DOING ALL THAT work to just kill some wolves is ridiculous.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

you are completely wrong, Vanilla is the game for me, im patience when needed to level up, i like the vanilla way of challenge, but do ALL THAT WORK to just complete the first quest on the game ? nah this is ridiculous.

- - - Updated - - -

Filthy ignorant

Im not a casual man i like the vanilla way and the challenge, but DOING ALL THAT work to just kill some wolves is ridiculous.

Take a breather, do something else. Play when most people went to bed. Choose your times better. This is a delicate moment as Nost was shutdown and people are refugees here. They're also suffering with the same problems you have, and they're dealing with.

Deal with it for now and trust the devs.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Take a breather, do something else. Play when most people went to bed. Choose your times better. This is a delicate moment as Nost was shutdown and people are refugees here. They're also suffering with the same problems you have, and they're dealing with.

Deal with it for now and trust the devs.

Ok thank you very much and ill follow your tips =) i know that nost was shut down and we have so many refugees and that's great for this realm.

At least you didnt call me casual because i dont wanna register the young wolf respawn route :p
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

The population is far from blizzlike which does suck and brings its share of problems already. I have hopes that it calms down eventually but its already been almost 10 days since Nost shut down and it seems to get worst and worst by the day. Ever since Sunday I've had small or huge lag/delays. I'm glad they've placed a cap on for 1-59 but whats gonna happen when more and more players reach level 60? I told myself I would wait around 2 weeks before deciding if I wanted to continue playing here and so far its a no.

We need a more strict population cap + a 2nd server to have a chance at keeping the server under respectable numbers aka 2.5-3k. (not 6K+)
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

The population is far from blizzlike which does suck and brings its share of problems already. I have hopes that it calms down eventually but its already been almost 10 days since Nost shut down and it seems to get worst and worst by the day. Ever since Sunday I've had small or huge lag/delays. I'm glad they've placed a cap on for 1-59 but whats gonna happen when more and more players reach level 60? I told myself I would wait around 2 weeks before deciding if I wanted to continue playing here and so far its a no.

We need a more strict population cap + a 2nd server to have a chance at keeping the server under respectable numbers aka 2.5-3k. (not 6K+)

I agree =)
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

I started two days after Nostalrius were announced dead.
We had queue times up to 1500 people, and in the starting zones there were so many people - alot of them were stacked up on eachother when your character is created.
The first 1-6 levels was abysmal, specially quests were you needed to loot an item from the ground and only one person could loot it at a time.

However, when i got to Dun Morogh things were already going better. Far less people around, and i was able to do 6-10 much faster than 1-6. I then did some of the easiest quests in Loch Modan, then immediatly went to Darkshore (through Loch Modan -> Wetlands -> Menethil Harbour -> Darkshore).
Still, alot of people were around but not nearly as many as i would have thought.

I also went to the human starting zone just to be able to compare, and it were total chaos. Fargodeep mine had about 50-70 players just inside the cave. As a mage i just ran around spam-hitting tab+fireblast, and it took me about 40-50min to kill 12 mobs. Conclusion: Human starting zone is not recommended.

You have a couple of options;
Either get through the most crowded beginner zones (1-10), then move on to Darkshore/Night elf zone. Or, wait a few days/a week and start out then. Most of the players will then be level 20+ .
There's been a big wave of new players and most of them are now level 20-30+, seems alot of people were waiting for PlayTBC that recently got postponed until May so there seems to be another wave of players in these days.

I had a couple of friends who were lucky and created a character only a few minutes after Nostalrius shutdown was announced. They quickly got to level 15-20 and since then havn't had any problems with crowded zones, because they have always been riding in front of the big crowded leveling waves. (For comparison, when they did STV they barely met other characters at all).
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

In Counter Strike you should aim for the head, because headshots can instantly kill the other player. Adjusting your aim slightly by moving your mouse down a little will help with the weapon's recoil pattern, making your shots actually hit where you are aiming.

All this work to just play ? nah i just want to play and relax, this is to hard working.

But thanks for the tips =)

Hi everyone, i'm new here, not from nostalrius or something, just new. I just want to say that i love the server, i really enjoy playing vanila wow, it takes me back memory lane, but a PVE realm would be a great idea, I love exploring minding my own business, leveling is already hard enough because of the massive number of players, last thing i need is getting ganked and camped by a ?? level. I never liked pvp, and if i were to be at least atacked by a same level to have a fighting chance it would be a different story, but i can't imagine what kind of person could be entertained by ganking/camping low level players. I love questing through the old zones, it's like i'm rediscovering a whole new world, but pvp is making me not want to play and i'm sure i'm not the only one. Yesterday redrige mountains was ganked and camped pretty bad and a lot of people feel the same way i do. I really don't understand why there are not any pve servers because the demand is real. Hence the fact that blizzard always had a larger number of pve realms.
Even a PvE realm has its contested zones where you can be killed so you would still experience it although slightly less common, World pvp is part of the vanilla experience and it allows you to interfere with another player should you either seek what he is looting/killing or just have a laugh :lol:

I understand you however all during a gank feel demotivated or annoyed but as said it is a part of the experience. Later expansions increased the amount of safe zones on PVE realms but in vanilla it would only make a few zones non-contested.

note: make strong friends who can chase the ganker away, if you get 2-3 friends showing up same time the ganker will flee in most situation seeking new gank zone.
Any chance of a new realm?

The fact is that Kronos is now very overpopulated. Right now it's just the starting zones, but soon it will be the whole server. Making a 2nd realm will not divide the community since it will be populated mostly by people new to Kronos, the ones who aren't even it's community, while the original Kronos community remains on the first realm.

A well populated server is always good to see, but there comes a point when there is too much of something good. I'm pretty sure that by now Kronos has more than enough players to sustain two healthy, populated and active realms.

What are your thoughts?
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

I've never understood this "we need another server" rubbish. It was the same when Nost was still around.

Kronos isn't the only vanilla server around. And I can assure you, playing on Kronos#2 with x population, will be the same as playing on some other vanilla server with the same population.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

I've never understood this "we need another server" rubbish. It was the same when Nost was still around.

Kronos isn't the only vanilla server around. And I can assure you, playing on Kronos#2 with x population, will be the same as playing on some other vanilla server with the same population.

People are retarded and only want to play on Server of the MonthTM.

This lemming mentality can only be stopped by a hard cap on the server in question and shutting off account creation. Two measures that seems to not get any consideration from the Kronos team at this point in time.

Ideally, people would spread out across all the private server projects - making us dodge Blizzard attention and keep realms running beautifully, but ideally is well, the thing we will never have due to human nature.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

I really really wish they keep only one server. Population ain't really that big yet. Sure there are other people around me doing same quests, but that's fine. But at lvl 25 I already start noticing increasing problem when trying to form groups for instances. If you at this point decide to split whole server in two, you will have 2 dead servers instead one "crowded" one. Or then all new players go to new one and old will be abandoned.
Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Yeah i feel the OP's pain.
I started playing 2 days ago, still level 9 ( i am very busy though and most i can play is 2 hours a day ), and the human starting area is overcrowded. What i did was pretty simple, i would invite nearby players. That way everyone benefits, you and the rest of your group gets to do their quest while also getting extra xp.
By doing this i managed to finish the quests for level 1-7 in a matter of 1/2 gaming sessions and made some friends.
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