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    TwinStar team

Nostalrius closes, Kronos 2 opens

Awesome decision to open a PvE server. It's always been strange to me how PvE servers were more popular server type back when I played, yet I can never find a private PvE server. Kronos seems to have awesome scripting to boot.

Are we talking about this week or a month from now on the PvE server?
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Great news about the new realm.

My only concern is that what happened to Nostalrius might happen here. They opened a second PvE server which had a low population while the old one continued to experience population problems (e.g. 12K on PvP and like 1.5K on PvE). My suggestion is that there's either 1) an option to transfer your character from the current Kronos or 2) opening a new PvP realm so that it doesn't matter which one you're playing on. In general people seem to prefer PvP, as evidenced with Nostalrius' second server, and this should be kept in mind.

The PvE server on Nostalrius was opened almost a year after launch if I'm not mistaken.. it was at least half a year later. People (including myself) who would rather play on a PvE server had already gotten to 60, geared up, and found a lovely home to raid with. As it's still rather early after the whole Nostalrius situation, I don't see why people who prefer PvE wouldn't start a new there, along with people who have level 20-40'ish characters on the PvP realm (also including myself).

While I think you're right that most people might rather want to play on a PvP server, I believe it's a good decision to open a PvE as the demand is still rather big. The only issue is the fact that the main realm is close to AQ.

The main reason why I don't see it as a problem, is that most PvP-oriented players probably want to continue straight away with the soon upgraded pvp gear, also regarding twink gear. PvE oriented players will want to have geared up characters for AQ release, along with plenty of gold in the bank for pots.
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Great news guys! Its another shitty PvP server!!11

You couldn't make just one fucking pve server in the sea of 1000s of PvP servers?
Great news guys! Its another shitty PvP server!!11

You couldn't make just one fucking pve server in the sea of 1000s of PvP servers?

Where is the source of this? I have heard it from several people but no source as to where the info is coming from, so until a source is given I will have to believe there is a troll out trollin.
Sorry bro. From their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheProjectKronos/?fref=ts

"Finally, it has been decided that Kronos II will be a PvP server. This decision has been made as it will make the server more appealing to a broader audience and allow it to attract its own population on an equal playing field with Kronos moving forward in a space that sees players come and go on an extremely frequent basis."
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Re: This server is OVER CROWDED

Breaking news for you, wow is filled with the need for calculation and tactics. Perhaps it is your first time playing? Both in PvE and in PvP, you will be required to keep track of either player skills, player mana, boss skills or other factors for a given raid. Even in dungeons like Scholomance, you cannot just blindly charge through the middle of the room, because you will die. You have to proceed in a specific manner.The levelling experience is super easy to handle and the fight for quest mobs is only preparing you for a later experience. The difference is that here, if you fail, you don't get penalized. If you fail in a raid, you might kill 40 people. If you cannot handle it at this stage, consider playing another game.
Yes man, i know that wow have several mechanics even being a newbie, what i said was for questing, when you are questing you only need to read the quest, search for the objective and do, well, have some exceptions, but for example i get the quest to kill young wolf, i go, target and attack, use skills and spells, loot and go for another, simple, i dont want to calculate when a young wolf respawn, only want to kill it.
This suck! We wanted PVE server and you didnt listen! JUST LIKE BLIZZARD.

What is wrong with you people???
Hurray a (another) new PVP??? I mean meh.... not sure why having another one is needed but I guess.....I mean I have seen no one ask for a (another) new PVP, in fact I think people have been asking for a PVE.....but meh. If those under 40 cannot transfer to lessen the pop here it will not see many people going there as most will not want to level on another PVP server, even without 60's on there ganking them it will be just like the starting zones are now.....a huge mess and tons of waiting for one mob to spawn. But hey ....hurray a (another) new PVP??
This suck! We wanted PVE server and you didnt listen! JUST LIKE BLIZZARD.

What is wrong with you people???

Pretty sure the reason they changed it is because loads of people responded asking for them to reconsider making it PvE.
Pretty sure the reason they changed it is because loads of people responded asking for them to reconsider making it PvE.

I hope Kronos staff knows what they are doing. Good luck to them. Wish new realm the best, but I won't be playing there :(
Nostalrius shutting down really sucked for everyone it affected, but it sucked even more for the PvE players. I didn't play on a private server at all until I saw that Nostalrius opened a PvE one. A blizzlike PvE server finally opens with a very healthy population (yeah, not as big as the PvP server pop, but it came out way later and who wants to reroll?) and it gets shut down.

Now where am I supposed to go to? PlayTBC said they were going to offer one, but we all know what happened there. No telling if they will come back up and furthermore it will probably not be well-scripted. Vengeance says they will open one, but who knows when? Finally, today I hear Kronos is going to do one from a credible source and then that gets shot down too. It's just really frustrating...
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