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    TwinStar team

Information Warlock Summoning

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It makes it much more time consuming with all those locks. Imagine the amount of shards you have to farm... and most zones the locks are in dont have the right mob lvl for them

Can't you kill things on your main while your warlock drains soul? Doesn't sound much more time consuming to me. In fact, you're only wasting 2 extra shards per summon location. Then you use the 45 to summon the whole raid like you would normally.
remove level restriction and delete/ban/TP away clickers and low level locks in high level areas. Just run and fly, since for that reason we farm to get epic mounts! *hides incase someone from VG still reads this*
As was said above, you can't teleport every low level that wants to explore high level areas. That's un blizz-like.
Well , to lvl lock on 45 all u need is 2 days , so that will fix nothing. About lvl for clickers 5 lvls will change nothing either. But, u guys should understand some things . As Dalloway said and im totally agree with that , we paid on retail servers to Blizzard , and ofc summoning was not restricted but people didnt abused it either ( Dont tell me u had 4 accs to do it and payd 50 euro for it , no more Vanguard storys plx) and on Kronos we are guests and Kronos server is in rights to change rules and make restrictions. Second part of that question is what said Weasel , on retail people had no idea what is incoming and how they can abuse things in game to make profit from it and on purpose. Here we know everything that will happen , we know how to kill every boss and rush every raid , and summoning with 20 alts in this situation becomes a abuse on purpose . Why abuse? Well u never did that on retail and dont bullshit me that u were mexican rich kid with 10 accounts and payd from 50 to 100 euros per month. And as i said Kronos is not Retail and u are paying 0 here.
What we can do then? Well , Kronos can just bann people who abuse it on purpose . Why bann? For simply reason coz otherwise reducing lvl range for clickers and making summ posible only on high lvl u will ruin lvling and many people care about it. Same bann will go for soulstoning raids etc.. Every server can add his rules , and we all agree that summoning army of warlocks is posible to make for every player in every guild and no one cares about lvl range , coz people who are living in this game dont rly care about 2 more days spent here... So only real and fair solution is just bann , if u think that is retarded u didnt played rest of privates that exist or existed , people got bans rly for no reason and here we have enougth reasons^^ I have warlocks and is so stupid honestly , that ruin world pvp and pve aswell . Ofc vanguard and coral will say that is not fair , but most part of people will agree with me i hope , becouse we are here to play on awesome server and not to lvl 40 alters spam summons and afk entire day in 1 place .. Thats the main fun from vanilla and something that was totally destroyed in Bc/wotlk etc , vanilla is unique coz u need to move in this world and u have dangerous encounters everywhere and u cant avoid it with flying mounts or dungeon finder! We never did that on retail vanilla, and Kronos server (Best server that ever existed on private panorama) should just make rule forbidding summ abuse with alts on purpose. Everyone care here alot about SHINY PIXELS so they will stop instantly and no one will stop play here even if they cry about it now , coz there is no better server existing . AND I REPEAT , THIS IS NOT BLIZZARD AND U DONT PAY MONEY HERE , SO RESPECT OTHERS SINCE U ARE A GUEST <3
Best regards, Worstworrier.
remove level restriction and delete/ban/TP away clickers and low level locks in high level areas. Just run and fly, since for that reason we farm to get epic mounts! *hides incase someone from VG still reads this*

That will require too huge effort by the staff to control. They don't have the time or the people to handle that.

So basically with the new rules... Everyone with a buttload of warlocks really only needs a bunch of 20s, one 30, and one 45?
Nothing will change. I don't think there's a solution that keeps this blizzlike because people didn't have unlimited free accounts.
Can't you kill things on your main while your warlock drains soul? Doesn't sound much more time consuming to me. In fact, you're only wasting 2 extra shards per summon location. Then you use the 45 to summon the whole raid like you would normally.

And that's why i think that the best solution is to restrict the "clickers" level too. The effort required to get ports everywhere around the world would dramatically increase, and wouldn't hurt the leveling experience much. It's not like 90% of the leveling groups have a warlock and a level 60 assistant. As you stated, there is no solution that would make this blizzlike other than pay for your account, which won't happen.

Our Kronos forums are a bit silent usually. That is not a very welcoming sight for aspirant new players looking for a realm. Yet here we have 200+ posts in a day. Could a few of you maybe visit the regular forum sections a bit more often to make us a more vivid, lively community? For example you could do it while leveling your warlock or when <gasp> you use the flightmaster (the horror, the horror) because your kazzaklock doesn't work.... :biggrin:
And that's why i think that the best solution is to restrict the "clickers" level too. The effort required to get ports everywhere around the world would dramatically increase, and wouldn't hurt the leveling experience much. It's not like 90% of the leveling groups have a warlock and a level 60 assistant. As you stated, there is no solution that would make this blizzlike other than pay for your account, which won't happen.

This won't change anything either. We have a small army of levelers that quit from 20-45 so we can just borrow and summon those accounts as needed. Need the clicker within 15 levels of the summoner? No problem.

We could then start every location with a 20 and two 30 clickers from people who quit. "Problem" still continues but the 30 clicker will work perfectly for the 45 warlock that is only 2 summons away.

So I'll reiterate that you can't make this blizzlike. Everyone that has an alt on another account isn't blizzlike (unless you had a lot of extra cash in 2006). Let's #bringbacksummonalts
If u are that hardcore go fight 4 hours vs horde guild to score a kill of boss . That is real blizzlike wow.. if u are cool with lvling 40 alters to summ ur ass along the world and dont face any living soul, play happy farm then .
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I’ve already made the few points I wanted to make and I do not intend to bloat this thread further, but I want to make sure it is well understood by everyone, especially our developers, how streamlined summoning chains are, so one more, I suppose.

It makes it much more time consuming with all those locks. Imagine the amount of shards you have to farm... and most zones the locks are in dont have the right mob lvl for them

@ Rock
It does not prolong the process.
First of all, Level 20 Warlocks are sent out into the World with 71 Shards each (Backpack, Runecloth Bags, -1 for HS). Under the new rules, you use a Level 20 Warlock to summon a Level 30, who then summons Level 45, who then summons the Level 60 players. You can do this at every single location and the only Shard stocks that get depleted faster than before the new rules are the ones of the 2 traveling Warlocks, the Level 30 and Level 45.

Secondly, restocking is a process independent of summoning spot or difficulty of reaching it. That is, you always have a Warlock, let us call it A, which is in an easy to reach location, such as the one by the Songflower nearby the Alliance flightmaster in Talonbranch Glade, Felwood. A is the Warlock that can restock completely on its own, by HSing to Redridge Mountains, replenishing Shards, then returning via flightpaths i.e. Redridge Mountains – Menethil – sail – Auberdine – Talonbrach Glade.
Now, when you need to restock your other Warlocks, you simply summon A to each location where you have your other Level 20 Warlocks. You then have the Warlock at that particular location, call it B, HS to Redridge Mountains, replenish Shards, and then you use A to summon B back to B’s original spot. Rinse and repeat for C, D etc.
A Warlock network is autonomous, Shards-wise, and completely independent of any actual travelling once it has been initially set up.
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This won't change anything either. We have a small army of levelers that quit from 20-45 so we can just borrow and summon those accounts as needed. Need the clicker within 15 levels of the summoner? No problem.

We could then start every location with a 20 and two 30 clickers from people who quit. "Problem" still continues but the 30 clicker will work perfectly for the 45 warlock that is only 2 summons away.

So I'll reiterate that you can't make this blizzlike. Everyone that has an alt on another account isn't blizzlike (unless you had a lot of extra cash in 2006). Let's #bringbacksummonalts

I will repeat, the aim of the staff is not preventing this, but recuding it significantly.

You really think that most people will have their own private level 45ish "army" for summoning? C'mon. Only very dedicated people will. And that's what staff is aiming for.

And I'll reiterate too, that it will never be blizzlike unless you pay for your account, which WON'T happen.
Instead of letting these very dedicated people figure out new ways to abuse the system within the boundary of the new rules, why not just talk with them? I don't understand.
I will repeat, the aim of the staff is not preventing this, but recuding it significantly.

You really think that most people will have their own private level 45ish "army" for summoning? C'mon. Only very dedicated people will. And that's what staff is aiming for.

And I'll reiterate too, that it will never be blizzlike unless you pay for your account, which WON'T happen.

But it won't even reduce it. One guild literally only needs one 30 lock and one 45 lock with info shared between the probably 50 level 20 summon alts that we have. Why even put in this extra step if it won't change anything and isn't blizzlike?
Then why all the wails and cries and threat of leaving in the early thread if this change absolutely nothing ?
But it won't even reduce it. One guild literally only needs one 30 lock and one 45 lock with info shared between the probably 50 level 20 summon alts that we have. Why even put in this extra step if it won't change anything and isn't blizzlike?

I don't understand your logic. You think everyone and their family in the game, "spreading like a cancer", will have 1 lvl 45 warlock and 2 level 45 clickers logged off in strategic places all over the world? Or even so, 1 lvl 30 lock and 2 lvl 30 clickers? Remember that for the last step (summoning the lvl 60 player) you still need 3 lvl 45: the lock and the 2 clickers. Dude, you can speak for yourself if you will probably do it, but I assure you the majority won't do such an effort. Is too much compared to having just lvl 1 all over the world just for clicking.
Then why all the wails and cries and threat of leaving in the early thread if this change absolutely nothing ?

It looks like the only solution, so simple that it's easily overlooked, is appealing to the good faith (?) of players and the willingness of GMs. The community is what really makes a realm what it is after all, be it a shiny jem or a stinky drain. It should be made clear that the ultimate responsibility lies with whom is in charge of gaming communities, that is ourselves, the guild masters.

I'll bring my own experience here. The only guild I've been in charge of, prior to the founding of the Stormlords, more than 3 years ago, taught me a harsh lesson: spamming invites makes it grow fast, but you can't control what dozens of people say and the quality of the guild chat is so badly affected. You only end up losing what potentially good and mature players you'd have actually needed. On the other hand, if you accept not to spam, politely (and patiently) ask people if they want to join, and have a guild message with the rules automatically triggered everytime a newcomer gets in, you will still have strong numbers but everyone will behave with themselves.

Remove the whole limit thing and make summoning alts + afk leveling bannable offences as such, and let's that be it. In fact, we're talking about what's actually a network, large enough that it cannot be disguised. World boss spawns can be spied upon, as easily as guilds' activity and moves can be monitored. All guild masters should actively discourage the violation of server's rules, at the risk of disciplinary action towards their own accounts (because, come on, we all know they're the ones in direct control of raids, world boss hunting and every guild-wide activity where mass-summonings are concerned).

GMs can watch over unseen, and healthy guild rivalries will make guilds control (and report) one another, so as to further ease their work. In the end, it's the size of the phenomenon that we want to limit, the occasional warlock summoning its isolated main for whatever f*** he needs won't bother much the whole realm.

If problems are community-made, they can be solved by the community.
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Stage 1: Being on period
Stage 2: Crying and disenchanting gear
Stage 3: Sending away all items and money, as well as deleting all bank alts
Stage 4: Sleeping
Stage 5: Realizing I'm too emotional
Stage 6: Circumventing new warlock requirement with a simple fix
Stage 7: (Probably) unsuccessfully asking GM for gear back
When Kronos went live (2 hours of crashes/DCs) while ppl were crampling in starting location I made lvl 1 dwarf and run IF-Wetlands-Arathi-Hillsbrad-WPL-EPT to loot Crwon Tower chest only to notice Horde alt there :w00t:

When I arrived to EPS I started getting whispers from GM "what do you do in high level location?", I told about chest.

In like 10 minutes there were announced/added new rule to server rules (no loot low lvl chests with low lvl alts) (nowadays that rule was removed if I correct)

On %-server that problem was fixed in really effective way - chests were having level requirement depending on zone.

Why not just add minimal level requirement depending of zone where you being summoned?
All this pre-suppose there is a bad news which impact the listener to begin with. Which directly contradict the "it changes nothing" claim.

1.) Status quo is upheld.
2.) The situation becomes needlessly complicated. People invest time to change it, other people invest time to progress to a status which is close to identical to the state things were in before the change. This results in everyone wasting time, no productivity.

Do you call this a choice?
1.) Status quo is upheld.
2.) The situation becomes needlessly complicated. People invest time to change it, other people invest time to progress to a status which is close to identical to the state things were in before the change. This results in everyone wasting time, no productivity.

Do you call this a choice?
I'm just pointing that saying "it changes nothing" is false. My opinion is that it very much change things, making warlock summoning alt a noticeably higher investment. I don't doubt there is workaround, just like it was possible to do it with a bit of tweaking in retail.
But the whole difference which made it rare in retail and make it rampant in a private server is entirely the one of convenience, and this difference certainly changed.

Notice I'm not saying it's a good or bad change (I'm pretty much on the fence about it, and TBH I think it's a bit of a storm in a teapot). I'm just pointing at the fallacy of saying it changes nothing.
I'm just pointing that saying "it changes nothing" is false. My opinion is that it very much change things, making warlock summoning alt a noticeably higher investment. I don't doubt there is workaround, just like it was possible to do it with a bit of tweaking in retail.
But the whole difference which made it rare in retail and make it rampant in a private server is entirely the one of convenience, and this difference certainly changed.

Notice I'm not saying it's a good or bad change (I'm pretty much on the fence about it, and TBH I think it's a bit of a storm in a teapot). I'm just pointing at the fallacy of saying it changes nothing.

You have a good point there.

In my opinion, this solution isn't good enough, for reasons which have been brought up aplenty by a number of people. I'm not even the one majorly affected by this, but I hate how time is being wasted away. I want to save time, for all parties. People will find workarounds, and some already did.

We should be able to do better than this, is what I'm saying.
I understand that Davros. Whatever, we will adapt.

On other hand, since you listened to complaints from Badslaught about summon alts and decided to prevent their (widespread) use for the time being, could we get some justice for making army of lvl1 alliance alts to grief Kazzak? I mean, if you try to prevent mass account creation for purpose of enhancing one's PvE performance (I guess people only see world bosses here, but those summon alts save precious minutes on world buffs and help PvE greatly), why not prevent mass account creation for purpose of griefing guilds on Lord Kazzak?


You could heal the 60s.
I think Ermean wants to say is that low lvl alts which arent in starting areas / capitals (capped up to 2 at 1 account) should be deleted after 2 days. I agree with him.

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