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    TwinStar team

Nerf Ironfoe

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If you want to keep Ironfoe as it is, help look for sources to support the 10% proc-rate and other mechanics (mirroring the attack that caused the proc for instance). Currently on the new bug report the only valid source presented suggests a proc-rate of 5% or lower.
Coming from someone who is in the middle (by this i mean I am an alliance warrior who doesn't have ironfoe) (and don't play horde so it is not AS good). Ironfoe is quite a unique weapon that I have heard takes many runs to obtain. It would kinda suck as being the bis weapon throughout the whole game (pve wise) because upgrading your weapon is one of the better experiences in the game (at least come nax). I think it would be a nice weapon up until naxx because it is quite difficult to obtain. However, being the bis weapon through the whole game kinda sucks cause why else continue to raid up to a certain point? Vanilla wow comes to a point where getting better gear is the best part of the game, and if you cant get a better item than a lvl 52 item or w.e kinda sucks. I understand some craftable items are bis or close to it but still. Kinda blows you know? chya bra im a nigga fuck the rest.
get ready for 2% proc rate nerf to ironfoe, gotta love peope saying post evidence of proc rate I post litterally the only known screen shot of a combat log of ironfoe in wotlk and get told that does not suffice as evidence. Instead we are gonna use a post from allakhazam claming a 2.7% proc rate, no screen shots, litterally just some guy spouting his data on the mobs in blasted lands. Awesome. Sounds like a good time to resub to retail.
So if the proc rate of 2.7% (more likely to be 3%) is accurate then that guy saying "I still use Ironfoe in BT/MH and Sunwell" was working with the same proc rate, right?

Meaning even at that percentage the weapon is better than or on par with level 70 weapons?

Nerf it harder? 1%? 0.5%?

I'm not sure why anyone latched onto the whole mirroring attacks shit, that was clearly not true and bullshit. I was being sarcastic about it.
While we are on it, where did the initial 10% come from?
That must have been sourced somewhere as well, hopefully woundl't be just taken out of thin air.
What makes that source unreliable all of a sudden?
Definitely coming round to the op's view. 10% does seem super high you'd have to agree. Around 3% seems about right.
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get ready for 2% proc rate nerf to ironfoe, gotta love peope saying post evidence of proc rate I post litterally the only known screen shot of a combat log of ironfoe in wotlk and get told that does not suffice as evidence. Instead we are gonna use a post from allakhazam claming a 2.7% proc rate, no screen shots, litterally just some guy spouting his data on the mobs in blasted lands. Awesome. Sounds like a good time to resub to retail.
Wow you're being quite dramatic no?
get ready for 2% proc rate nerf to ironfoe, gotta love peope saying post evidence of proc rate I post litterally the only known screen shot of a combat log of ironfoe in wotlk and get told that does not suffice as evidence. Instead we are gonna use a post from allakhazam claming a 2.7% proc rate, no screen shots, litterally just some guy spouting his data on the mobs in blasted lands. Awesome. Sounds like a good time to resub to retail.

If you don't even care to read what I wrote, please do not write here. I don't care about your theatrical expressions, and I guess no one else does.
get ready for 2% proc rate nerf to ironfoe, gotta love peope saying post evidence of proc rate I post litterally the only known screen shot of a combat log of ironfoe in wotlk and get told that does not suffice as evidence. Instead we are gonna use a post from allakhazam claming a 2.7% proc rate, no screen shots, litterally just some guy spouting his data on the mobs in blasted lands. Awesome. Sounds like a good time to resub to retail.

6 times :wacko::shifty::winkiss:
The same source of the 2.7% also says that IF can proc itself

"The Chance on Hit is able to proc off of the extra attacks it causes, so you can end up with a great number of attacks all at once (although this is extremely rare). My best run of procs can be seen here. All of the attacks shown occured at once (one attack is from my offhand weapon); the level 54 mob ended up dying before Charge Stun had worn off once HS + Bloodthirst had landed, and I'm wearing only sub-56 blues. I'm fairly sure it can proc off of extra attacks caused by Hand of Justice, but don't have a definte screenshot of it happening, as it's hard to track what hit is causing what when you're dual wielding with Flurry up >:) "

I don't understand how this kind of thing is nearly a strong enough "source" to justify invalidating the thousands of hours that warriors have put into farming this weapon. The problem is many of the most legit type of sources either didn't exist or the pictures they uploaded of combat logs or procwatch are no longer accessible (such as this "source" of the 2.7% link of his chain procs in my quote)
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@varth hence the "need info" status and not "confirmed"

@peacemold the "mirroring mechanic" was written by the guy mentioned recking face with ironfoe in BT, which makes his whole comment a rather low quality source, also he said he would post a screenshot and never did. But in a way I agree, I never understood why people latched on to that mechanic.

@everyone no-one claims the comment on allakazham is the bible in this issue, it is however the only source presented so far from vanilla. The rest are late TBC and WOTLK sources. The developers' principle of valuing 2006 sources above everything is a solid approach
The same source of the 2.7% that guys take as the bible also says that IF can proc itself

"The Chance on Hit is able to proc off of the extra attacks it causes, so you can end up with a great number of attacks all at once (although this is extremely rare). My best run of procs can be seen here. All of the attacks shown occured at once (one attack is from my offhand weapon); the level 54 mob ended up dying before Charge Stun had worn off once HS + Bloodthirst had landed, and I'm wearing only sub-56 blues. I'm fairly sure it can proc off of extra attacks caused by Hand of Justice, but don't have a definte screenshot of it happening, as it's hard to track what hit is causing what when you're dual wielding with Flurry up >:) "

I don't understand how this kind of thing is nearly a strong enough "source" to justify invalidating the thousands of hours that warriors have put into farming this weapon. The problem is many of the most legit type of sources either didn't exist or the pictures they uploaded of combat logs ect are no longer accessible.
I don't even think it's relevant if the weapon is bugged (though I think it is, based on evidence/common sense) or not. I've said it before in this thread, as have others; I think it makes raids less satisfying and, to a certain extent, defeats the whole purpose of an MMO.
Well Chero as someone who has invested over a year in this server, bought countless stars, and over 500 runs in BRD, it is a bit annoying to see that changes are gonna be made to what I view as my Best in slot weapon based on a flimsy post from wow.allakhazam, the same comments that cant even give reliable info/coords for quests half the time.

I think Ermin put it best, vanilla is already boring enough, so why nerf something that actually makes the game a little bit more interesting. Rather than having every fury warrior on the server running around with castigator when Naxx 40 comes out.

Also I submitted what I view as the best evidence of what ironfoe might have been like via screenshots of a combat log and it was marked as invalid. But an anecdotal post from wow.allkhazam thats bullet proof evidence.
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His comment isn't flimsy though. He went to a Servant of Grol which are about the best kind of testing you could get in vanilla, with no training dummies. He presents his numbers and shows awareness of mechanics, though it is of course possible he is wrong at some points. If he had a screen shot I would guess Chero/Bazzil would've marked the issue as confirmed, but he doesn't, so "need info".
Thats exactly what it is though without a screenshot, flimsy. We dont even know what addon he was using to track his proc's. If you use proc watch on this server you know that it's bugged and reports a falsely high proc rate for ironfoe around 20% but if you use dpsmate it tracks it at 10%.
His test yielded a PPM of roughly 1 for his Crusader enchant procs, which indicates it's solid. You and I both already said yes; no screen shot is a problem, and that's why the issue is on need info status.
@varth hence the "need info" status and not "confirmed"

@peacemold the "mirroring mechanic" was written by the guy mentioned recking face with ironfoe in BT, which makes his whole comment a rather low quality source, also he said he would post a screenshot and never did. But in a way I agree, I never understood why people latched on to that mechanic.

@everyone no-one claims the comment on allakazham is the bible in this issue, it is however the only source presented so far from vanilla. The rest are late TBC and WOTLK sources. The developers' principle of valuing 2006 sources above everything is a solid approach

I don't disagree; however, I will call the dev team out on the subjectivity of this. We had over a dozen sources from the same website stating Badge of Swarmguard's proc chance was 80%. Despite this, they decided on 50%. Now for me, I am completely neutral on this topic, but I would like to point out on the inconsistency of a standard. You cannot disregard comments for one item then suddenly act like the comments of another item have more weight. Everything should be treated equally.

Fortunately for us (in Onslaught) we graduated past Ironfoe half a year ago and no one is using it anymore. I still feel bad for everyone else who spent a lot of time farming the item, though.
Well Chero as someone who has invested over a year in this server, bought countless stars, and over 500 runs in BRD, it is a bit annoying to see that changes are gonna be made to what I view as my Best in slot weapon based on a flimsy post from wow.allakhazam, the same comments that cant even give reliable info/coords for quests half the time.

I think Ermin put it best, vanilla is already boring enough, so why nerf something that actually makes the game a little bit more interesting. Rather than having every fury warrior on the server running around with castigator when Naxx 40 comes out.

Also I submitted what I view as the best evidence of what ironfoe might have been like via screenshots of a combat log and it was marked as invalid. But an anecdotal post from wow.allkhazam thats bullet proof evidence.

Again, I don't know what's wrong with you, no one stated anything is going to change. All I said is that we are looking for evidence. There is nothing going to be changed unless we don't have strong enough proof required for any change. I kindly please you, once again, stop your trash talk.
I don't disagree; however, I will call the dev team out on the subjectivity of this. We had over a dozen sources from the same website stating Badge of Swarmguard's proc chance was 80%. Despite this, they decided on 50%. Now for me, I am completely neutral on this topic, but I would like to point out on the inconsistency of a standard. You cannot disregard comments for one item then suddenly act like the comments of another item have more weight. Everything should be treated equally.

Fortunately for us (in Onslaught) we graduated past Ironfoe half a year ago and no one is using it anymore. I still feel bad for everyone else who spent a lot of time farming the item, though.

Magnotank uses it does he not?

The dev team could have a best guess at Ironfoe by comparing it to weapons of a similar speed and level that they have solid data on.
Well Chero as someone who has invested over a year in this server, bought countless stars, and over 500 runs in BRD, it is a bit annoying to see that changes are gonna be made to what I view as my Best in slot weapon based on a flimsy post from wow.allakhazam, the same comments that cant even give reliable info/coords for quests half the time.

I think Ermin put it best, vanilla is already boring enough, so why nerf something that actually makes the game a little bit more interesting. Rather than having every fury warrior on the server running around with castigator when Naxx 40 comes out.

Also I submitted what I view as the best evidence of what ironfoe might have been like via screenshots of a combat log and it was marked as invalid. But an anecdotal post from wow.allkhazam thats bullet proof evidence.

7 :wacko:

Thats exactly what it is though without a screenshot, flimsy. We dont even know what addon he was using to track his proc's. If you use proc watch on this server you know that it's bugged and reports a falsely high proc rate for ironfoe around 20% but if you use dpsmate it tracks it at 10%.

8 :rolleyes2:

I don't disagree; however, I will call the dev team out on the subjectivity of this. We had over a dozen sources from the same website stating Badge of Swarmguard's proc chance was 80%. Despite this, they decided on 50%. Now for me, I am completely neutral on this topic, but I would like to point out on the inconsistency of a standard. You cannot disregard comments for one item then suddenly act like the comments of another item have more weight. Everything should be treated equally.

Fortunately for us (in Onslaught) we graduated past Ironfoe half a year ago and no one is using it anymore. I still feel bad for everyone else who spent a lot of time farming the item, though.

ironfoe is better than gressil

i guess you could be trying to say that your guild's warriors became lazy and didn't want to farm for their bis game weapon anymore
Our main tank does not use Ironfoe, and has one. Magnotank uses an Ironfoe sometimes but he is an offtank and uses many different weapons depending on what the situation needs. We also have 2 other warriors with Thunderfury.
Our main tank does not use Ironfoe, and has one. Magnotank uses an Ironfoe sometimes but he is an offtank and uses many different weapons depending on what the situation needs. We also have 2 other warriors with Thnderfury.

So in your opinion, Ironfoe, in it's current state, is not the highest threat weapon available? Some people here are saying it's better than anything that will be found in Naxx.
It's different for Horde with windfury. Ironfoe doesn't add as much value as it does for Alliance.
So in your opinion, Ironfoe, in it's current state, is not the highest threat weapon available? Some people here are saying it's better than anything that will be found in Naxx.

Ironfoe is not the best threat weapon in the game for horde.
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