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    TwinStar team

Nerf Ironfoe

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It's contradicting evidence. You are really retarded aren't you. Also comments and text only are not entirely useful as evidence unless backed up by video/screenshots or many comments echoing the same sentiment. Or you know, Blizzard actually nerfing the weapon due to it's performance.

You do understand why Thunderfury was marked as "Won't Fix" right?
berni also posted logs of some guy testing the weapon, where are the tests from your post?

obviously YOU don't know why they marked thunderfury as "won't fix"

"25% proc-chance was, as you pointed out, removed in patch 2.0.1 because it made the weapon better for tanking than some level 70 weapons. In other words, having Thunderfury at level 60 with 25% proc-chance is equal to raiding level 60 content with a level 70 tanking weapon."

The Kronos raiding community have often asked for custom-tuned content (make it harder) but Kronos have gone the blizzlike route. I would therefore use this opportunity to keep Thunderfury with 15% proc-chance as to avoid having tanks with unlimited aggro ruining the aspect of 'threat awareness' which is central to DPS classes."

read it again you fucking moron
Yes, it was actually changed by Blizzard. So they left it in the nerfed state Blizzard reduced it to.

When did they do this for Ironfoe?

Also does Ironfoe proc duplicate yellow hits? He also says it should do that. Can we get that fixed?
thunderfury was nerfed because it was too strong in relation to burning crusade raid items, which is the same thing with ironfoe right now.

seeing as how ironfoe is MUCH better than vanilla raid items even INCLUDING the best 1h sword from naxxramas it should also be nerfed following the same logic.

in other words, you're a fucking moron.

also @ berni i thought you were done posting in this thread lmfao
If Blizzard never touched Thunderfury, regardless of it's strength at level 70, it would be untouched here.

Stop ignoring the 3x execute part. If half of his statement is going to be taken as gospel then the other half should be too. Please buff Ironfoe's proc so that it exactly duplicates white and yellow hits instead of providing 2 additional white hits.
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If Blizzard never touched Thunderfury, regardless of it's strength at level 70, it would be untouched here.
Thunderfury was buffed in vanilla, though. If the devs saw prot/fury warriors walking around with Ironfoe on while Thunderfury/Gressil, AQR, etc rotted in their bags, you don't think they'd have nerfed it almost immediately?
I like people who use only the source that supports their opinion and ignore all the other sources which say different things.

thunderfury was nerfed because it was too strong in relation to burning crusade raid items, which is the same thing with ironfoe right now.

seeing as how ironfoe is MUCH better than vanilla raid items even INCLUDING the best 1h sword from naxxramas it should also be nerfed following the same logic.

in other words, you're a fucking moron.

also @ berni i thought you were done posting in this thread lmfao

Right now it should only be nerfed, because YOU want it to be nerfed and not because it was somehow blizzlike, to nerf it. So you put yourself OVER blizzard and over everyone else.

I'm out of this thread now, because you will always find invalid arguments, because, just like a 12 year old child, you can not accept that you're wrong and just going on everyone's nerves.
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Right now it should only be nerfed, because YOU want it to be nerfed and not because it was somehow blizzlike, to nerf it. So you put yourself OVER blizzard and over everyone else.

I'm out of this thread now, because you will always find invalid arguments, because, just like a 12 year old child, you can not accept that you're wrong and just going on everyone's nerves.
Thank you.
What appalls me really are the people commenting in this thread, this forum in general from the hostility of suggesting anything for a change. As if the devs' can't decide for themselves. As if providing evidence and raw numbers against something you don't want to happen is a personal attack on you or your family or something. Why does every argument have to turn into a "******/moron" contest? Is there no room for logic without emotion?

About my post in page 9, the part regarding calculating IF/TF threat per proc was totally ignored. One guy facepalms it, another claims it makes no sense cuz I'm just trying to nerf an item for the "40 people" that have it. Great arguments. The facepalmer than claims chain procs don't work here and calls me a ****** for thinking so. By the way, chain procs on this server works, what doesn't work is one swing proccing multiple instant attacks, only strongest proc goes through. I never said IF can proc of itself either. The chain procs gives this weapon more chances to proc, the damage of which can proc further attacks like every other instant swing proc.

I already did the research on another project which I won't link here. The thread was a data-based discovery of the truth behind Ironfoe. It was actually sparked by Ahl's post here which is why I returned to post my findings (not theirs). In the end, I regret returning.

No worries, I'll fuck off now, thanks. Feel free to quote me on that.
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There is no chain proc in your screenshot tho, you proc windfury on the 219 auto, then procs Hoj on the instant swing. The HoJ proc results in nothing. Correct me if i'm wrong!
You are not listening. When ironfoe procs it cannot proc any other item that has a proc. This includes HoJ, heart of wrymthalak and darkmoon maelstrom card. These chain procs that you say people can get with ironfoe do not exists.

What can happen though is you can get an ironfoe proc and than get lucky and get another one. This is called RNG. When ironfoe activates you get an instantaneous reading on your combat log for 3 hits. I have litterally never gotten any kind of proc that has gone off with or as a result of my ironfoe proc. So either I'm the most unlucky warrior on the server or you have no idea how the weapon works.

I'm gonna guess the later.
I think the effect is greatly amplified by the fact that the most competitive people will go out of their way to farm it just for the small advantage, these people were most likely topping the meters before they had it and would do so regardless.

I also think a HUGE part of what makes IF appear amazing is the 'speedrunning' with every possible buff, the weapon somewhat relies on those buffs. Going into naxx progress (no world buffs for the most part) I would expect to see human warriors using servo arms and such over IF, especially on any fight with cleaving.

I do think it's the best weapon and in many cases better than R14 ones, I just don't see any issue with that. It's harder to obtain than most raid weapons and weird items like this being good is what makes vanilla appealing.
I dont even care if they nerf the item. What does bother me though is when dumb people like walgrave come into the discussion and spread misinformation about chain procs and broken weapon that are not even true. Their are tons of records on this server set by non iron-foe warriors. Most of the people who do have one are those crazy people who want every little bit of extra they could get and would continue to set records with CTS/AQR/deathbringer. And people would continue to look for reasons why they are doing as much dps as other players.
I change my mind, dont nerf the ironfoe plz i enjoy how much it triggers novakayne that he's getting beat by warriors with a weapon from BRD.
Can you look at every classes T3 as well? They were used in TBC raiding to get world firsts.

Nerf it all.
Well since we're just gonna rebalanace Vanilla WOW, can I request some changes? Nerf Loomguard bracers. I've been using this dungeon blue since the beginning of the server. T3 shaman bracers are barely better.
So for now we have 4 different ways to change/keep Ironfoe due to having several different sources with different information.

10% proc chance + 2 white hits
10% proc chance + 2 mirrored attacks which triggered IF in the first place

3% proc chance + 2 white hits
3%proc chance + 2 mirrored attacks which triggered IF in the first place

Personally I'd like to see 3%proc chance + 2 mirrored attacks which triggered IF in the first place for some time and evaluate the overall value with this proc effect. :)
Well since we're just gonna rebalanace Vanilla WOW, can I request some changes? Nerf Loomguard bracers. I've been using this dungeon blue since the beginning of the server. T3 shaman bracers are barely better.
If Loomguard added 100 HPS+ over Earthshatter, yeah, why not? Fortunately, there isn't a single pre-raid item which provides such a massive dps/hps benefit over a raid item besides Ironfoe. If you can't see the difference, that's on you.
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